Science for Fun and Insanity

or How to Easily Amuse Your Friends with Real Science

Disclaimer: These links are listed for your amusement ONLY. I will NOT accept any liability for injury should you be bonehead enough to actually TRY any of this stuff.

This is the place where, on those rainy days when you and your friends are really bored, you can find all sorts of cool and interesting stuff to do that is Actually Based on Science. So grab a glass of vino, or your favorite brewski, put up your feet and read on. We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who took the time to research and publish the results of their work.
These guys have way too much time on their hands.

The Ultimate Bad Candy Web Page In a remarkable display of Sacrifice and Unselfishness, Mark and Ben have exprimented on themselves to warn us of the hideous dangers lying inside those innocent candy wrappers. You have been warned.

How to Turbocharge Your Grill George (1996 Ig Nobel Winner for chemistry) shows us a new way to jump start those reluctant barbeque brickets in a mere three seconds using liquid oxygen. But the Fire Department made him quit. You can read all about it (and view the mpeg) on his website. And you can read about all the other Winners of the Wierd at the IG NOBEL Website .

Fun With Grapes - A Case Study Do not be fooled by imitations. This is the original source. (Kids, do not try this at home. Your parents WILL find out.)

Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches A startling and original use for the kid's favorite breakfast food. (Guys, do not try this at home. Your wives WILL find out.)

The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this was a real Rainy Day Project. Parents, do you know how your college dollars are being spent?

Innocent Inanimate Objects (Shot By Large Caliber Guns.) OK, so this isn't exactly "real" science, hey, what do you want for a nickle? Though I must admit, it satisfied a curiousity that I didn't even know I had. Facinating stuff. Cool movies.

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