My name is Rebecca
We are from beautiful sunny Southern California. My husband is a Computer Tech. We have been married for 25 years. He built my PC, if not for him I wouldn't be here. I have  3 wonderful children, 8 granddaughters, and a little grandson. I just updated this page 4/28/04 and I now have a little surprise, another granddaughter, she is 4 weeks old, she is the 8th one. I almost forgot, I also have a great grandson, he is 8 months old. Am I blessed or what.  

I have built a few Web Pages, most of them are dedicated to friends and family. After being on the net for a while I met some wonderful people and found out that there are too many Domestic Violence Survivors out there as myself. 

I would cry myself to sleep nights, after chatting with ladies I met on the net. I got even more depressed by knowing I'm not the only survivor here and hearing all this horrible things that some ladies have gone through. I felt I had to do something, so I decided to learn to build web pages for the awareness of "Domestic Violence". 

I needed to add some links to pages for Survivors with information for them to find help and know they are not alone, at the same time I also met Survivors of Child Abuse, Sexual Molestation and INCEST. Yes, you guessed it, I built a couple of pages for the little angels out there, it breaks my heart to know that they are being abused by this animals. I'm fortunate to be able to say that I was not a victim as a child.  

We need the awareness out there, we cannot keep this ugly secrets that hurt so much inside, I want to be able to make a difference and show that I care.