
Adoption Links

Adoption.com Adoption.com has lists of adoption agencies by state, as well as other links.
U.S. State Department This is the U.S. State Department's information web site on international adoption.
National Adoption Information Clearing House (NAIC)NAIC has information on all aspects of adoption.
AdoptioNetwork AdoptioNetwork serves all members of the adoption triad.
Children Awaiting Parents (CAP) CAP is dedicated to helping America's waiting Children find homes.
Parent Soup Chat This site has adoption and special needs chats, as well as other parenting chats.
Onelist You can find email support lists for any number of areas, including adoption (International, Special Needs) and Special needs (there are email liast for all kinds of disablities). You must join Onelist to participate, but it's free. There is even a search engine to help you find the list(s) you need.
Adopt from Ukraine Club
This club is for people who have adopted from the Ukraine or who are interested in adopting from the Ukraine. It was started by an adoptive mother of two Ukrainian children. I am half Ukrainian, so the adoption of Ukrainian children is very special to me, although I have not adopted from the Ukraine. You can find out about My Heritage (click here) and jump into the Ukrainians on the Web Ring on my family heritage page.
Comeunity Comeunity addresses adoption and special needs. Look for information on Real Moms, a newsletter for adoptive moms.
National Adoption Center (NAC) NAC has all kinds of information on adoption and has photo listings of children available for adoption
Celebrate Adoption, Inc. This group promotes adoption as a positive way to build families
Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Research Institute I am not affiliated with the Evan B. Donaldson Institute, but they are an excellent resource on what research is being done on adoption.
And, for Foster parents, I found the following site that also contains links to support and information in various states: Foster Parent Community
Roots and Wings Adoption Magazine Roots & Wings Magazine is a publication aimed at the adoption community. This magazine is not afraid to address all aspects of adoption.
Perspective Press Perspective Press publishes books on infertility and adoption.
Tapestry Books offers many books on adoption online and through their catalog.

Special Needs

The Mining Company Special Needs Site This site has links to all kinds of information on parenting a special needs child.
Americans With Disabilities Act Document Center Read the ADA and decisions related to it.
Internet Resources for Special Children (IRSC) IRSC has links to information on all types of disabilities.
National Council on Disability This is a federal agency that advises the government on disability issues. There is a page for families and a Youth page.
Center for Child Development A page with information on learning disabilities.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects This website has information on the effects of fetal alcohol and how it affects learning and living.
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD) CHADD's web site has information on membership, their newsletter, fact sheets, and more!
Oppositional Defiance Disorder Describes the disorder; how to treat it; and has links to other resources.
BiPolar Disorders PortalThis is a page of links to information on BiPolar Disorder.
Psychology Information OnlineThis site has tons of information on depression.

Special Education

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services This part of the United States Department of Education oversees special education programs.
Report on Inclusion The report explains inclusion, mainstreaming, etc. and their legal basis.
What Is An IEP?
Individual Education Program(IEP)Parent Preparation and Planning Explains how to be well prepared for that yearly IEP meeting!

Have suggestions for more links? Email me at LTSJmom@aol.com.

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My Web Pages
This page has links to my other pages. I have pages on travel (with links to live cam shots of various places such as Yosemite and Geneva, Switzerland), education, reading material I enjoy, my family and children (pictures included) my cats (more pictures), cooking, and my herb garden, . Please check them out, and enjoy!

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