Although the United States and Canada import more than 24 million pounds of sheep cheese, sheep dairying is virtually nonexistent in these countries.

Presently there are less than 100 dairies in the U.S. and less than 10 dairies in Canada

France alone has almost one million ewes in dairy production.  Roquefort, the blue cheese from France, is entirely produced from sheep milk. They produce 90,000,000 litres of sheep milk, from 2700 farmers into 7,500,000 loafs of cheese.

Most sheep milk is processed into cheese, with a strong ethnic bias on type (Feta, Romano, etc.), some yogurt and ice cream is also made.

Lack of tradition means there is little or no expertise in the art of cheese making, so you are having to be "self taught" and have a desire to learn these techniques.

Sheep dairying is suitable for smaller farms, because the capitol investment isn't as steep as for a cow dairy.

Sheep's milk can yield some dynamite, delicious specialty cheeses.  These cheeses are rich and flavorful.

The milk is naturally homogenized with smaller fat globules, making it more easily digested than other milks.

Is very rich in vitamins and minerals, containing up to twice as much calcium as cows milk.

Allergy sufferers can also benefit from using sheep's milk and sheep's milk products.  Conditions as eczema, asthma and dietary problems can be relieved with introducing sheep milk to one's diet.

Sheep milk offers a number of benefits which become increasingly important as science plays an increasingly more intrusive role in the bovine dairy industry.

It takes only a small amount of sheep milk cheese to satisfy the palate, this also results in the intake of less fat and fewer calories.

Sheep's' milk cheeses have anywhere from 32-34% fat
If you are worried about cholesterol - remember that the level of fat does not necessarily relate to the level of cholesterol. 

45% of the fatty acids in sheep cheese are Mono and Polyunsaturated

Sheep milk yogurt every morning for breakfast over your cereal gives you a good start to the day and the high calcium helps to counteract the danger of phytic acid in a high fiber diet.

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