MLOTD DKUltra Blue Paper

0.1 Overview

Purpose This document is designed to familiarize the members with the concepts, theories, arguments, and potential benefits of the DKUltra mind control project. 
Introduction The DKUltra project is an evolution of several tried and proven mind control techniques applied by discerning shadow agencies around the globe. 

1.1 methods

"The CIA's LSD experiments were conducted on many unwitting subjects, most often prisoners or patrons of brothels set up and run by the Agency, which had installed two-way mirrors in the establishments to allow for observation of the drug's effects (these studies were referred to as "Operation Midnight Climax"). Some of the MKULTRA subjects who were informed faced even more inhumane treatment: during one experiment in Kentucky, seven volunteers were given LSD for 77 days straight."
Excerpt from http://www.parascope.com/ds/mkultra0.htm
The DKUltra project incorporates a combination of techniques to achieve the end goal; A mindless slave.  Psychoactive agents are applied to the subject to achieve 'root access' to the parts of the brain that control free will and memory.  Once 'root access' is achieved DKUltra moves into stage two, with an intensive battery of thought altering stimuli.  The main stimuli hardware applied are the Warner Van Dweyp high speed modulation restraint goggles.  The entire Van Dweyp interface is described further in section 1.3.  Through DKUltra, total control is achieved within eight weeks.
1.2 Warner Van Dweyp 1.3 Van Dweyp Hardware
Astoundingly, Warner Van Dweyp has developed a compact, portable system for applying the thought altering stimuli.  Van Dweyp sites his design specifications as critical to effective portable mind control.

"The system must work in all field conditions, and it must be compact and simple enough to move from operation to operation without attracting attention.  This eliminates the need for cumbersome, unwieldy thirty-five millimeter movie projectors, screens, giant speakers, and other such hardware that has been a burden in the past."

Warner Van Dweyp addressing the Dark Consortium, circa 1988
Partial Equipment List, revised as of November 18, 1997 * A Van Dweyp product, quantity limited.