Judy and Friends Page Two
Judy And Friends
Willie Nelson was one of the performers along with Judy at the ICGMA (International Country Gospel Music Association) Award Show in Dallas, Texas. Judy won "Female Gold Cross" and "Female Vocalist of The Year."
Chuck Day, Willie Nelson & Judy
Grand Ole Opry star Billy Walker and famed song writer Marijohn Wilkin visit with Judy in the recording studios in Nashville, Tennessee. Billy has had some major hits in Country music with songs like, "Ain't It Funny How Time Slips Away", "Charlie's Shoes" and "Cross The Brazos At Waco." Marijohn has teamed up with some of the legends in songwriting and wrote hits like, "Waterloo", "Long Black Veil", and "One Day At A Time" which had an lasting impact on Judy's career and life.
Billy Walker, Marijohn Wilkin & Judy
For years I confused Hovie Lister with songwriter Mosie Lister. I thought they were either the same person or twin brothers. I have since got acquainted with both recording the songs of Mosie. (But this is Hovie the great piano player.)
Judy, Marijohn and Hovie Lister
Not bad songwriting company. Ronny Hinson, Dan Duncan and Marijohn Wilkin and Judy have written thousands of songs between them. Alot of good voices and #1 songs here.
Ronny Hinson & Dan Duncan
Judy and Marijohn
Gary McSpadden was a member of the Imperials for a while and is highly respected for his professionalism.
Marijohn, Gary McSpadden and Judy