
<!--non Netscape browsers--> <BGSOUND SRC="lastdance_sarahm_briancox.mid"> Chapter Six!~Kaliegh

"Kane, that is a wonderful idea! It just so happens that I have a business convention to attend in Nashville that weekend. I haven’t gotten a chance yet, but I was planning to ask Judy to go along with me.” Kali said, smiling happily. She didn’t think Judy would be TOO pissed for setting her up this way, or at least Kali hoped she wouldn’t be.

“I get in that Thursday.” Kali continued. “When do you and Taker arrive?”

“I can not believe this! It’s too perfect.” Kane replied. Not believing his good luck. “Taker and I arrive on Thursday also. We have some autograph sessions and some other promotional things during the day on Thursday and Friday. We’re free on Saturday and then the pay-per-view on Sunday.” A smile curved Kane’s mouth, a shiver of desire racing through his big body as he anticipated seeing Kali again. He had never in his life met such a woman.

“What time does your flight come in? I’d love to see Judy’s face if Taker just happened to be there waiting for her.” Kali laughed out loud as she imagined Judy’s reaction.

“We get in at 11:03am.” Kane answered and then asked, “How about you?”

“Kane, you’re right! This IS too perfect. Our flight lands at 11:22am. That’s just a few minutes after yours!” Kali exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelief.

“Well, I think that settles it then. Taker and I will be waiting for you all to come in. Those two are sure in for one heck of a surprise.” Kane said, already counting the days until he would see Kali again.

“They sure are. I can’t wait to see their faces.” Kali replied, smiling to herself before continuing.

“I can’t wait to see you either, Kane.” She said softly, in a voice that made Kane’s heart nearly pound out of his chest.

“I miss you too.” Kane’s voice had become rough and filled with passion, and Kali was suddenly glad she was sitting or she would have been on the floor.

Kane and Kali talked a few minutes longer and then after making plans to talk again in two days, they said their good-byes, and ended the call.

Kali sat there for a few minutes, staring at the phone with a dreamy look in her eyes, unable to believe the effect Kane had on her. It had never been that way for her before. Smiling, Kali jumped up and went to the refrigerator for a soda before calling Judy. Then sitting back down again, Kali lit a cigarette as she picked up the phone once more and punched in Judy’s number.

“Hello?” Judy said, answering the call after she had brought the phone up to her ear.

“Hey Judy!” Kali greeted her friend. “How are you doing?”

Judy sighed miserably before answering. “I can not get him out of my mind.” Judy said, and Kali knew immediately that she was speaking of Taker.

Kali could not prevent the laugh that escaped her lips. She wanted so bad to tell Judy that in just two weeks she would be seeing Taker again, but knew she couldn’t. Kali wanted Judy to be surprised.

“So what’s up?” Judy asked, changing the subject.

“Well, there’s a convention that I need to attend two weeks from now in Nashville. I’d love some company. Can you get away.?”

Judy hesitated for a moment before speaking. “I don’t know, Kali. It’s been really busy at work and I…” She started to say, but was cut off.

“Awa, come on Judy!” Kali exclaimed, almost pleading with her friend.“It’ll be fun and you can’t tell me that you wouldn’t love to get away again for a few days.”

Judy sighed, knowing Kali was absolutely right. She DID want to get away again.

“Besides, I already got your airplane ticket so you really don’t have any other choice but to go.” Kali teased her friend, knowing she had her.

“When do we leave?” Judy asked suddenly, having made up her mind.

“A week from this Thursday.” Kali answered, a smile lighting her eyes.

“Okay, I’ll be there.” Judy said, a touch of excitement in her voice as she began to look forward to the long weekend away.

~Chapter Seven!~Judy

The next two weeks flew by, and before they knew it, Kali and Judy were boarding a flight bound for Nashville, Tennessee. Judy's boss didn't say much when she told him she was going out of town for a few days, because he knew she had FINALLY filed for divorce, and he hoped the time off would do her some good. The cheating ways of her husband had been the talk of the entire office, but no one had the heart to say anything about it to her.

Kali was excited about the trip. Her eyes had a sparkle in them, that Judy had not seen in some time. As she secretly studied her friend, she couldn't help but wonder what had put it there. Judy strongly suspected it was a particular wrestler. She had also known Kali long enough to know when she was up to something. And Kali was plotting something!

"You talk to Kane lately?" Judy asked, as she busied herself fastening her seat belt, putting away a novel, and just settling in for the flight.

"Yes, just last night actually! Why?" Kali glanced over at the other woman.

"Just curious! No particular reason!" Judy replied innocently enough, yet the blush staining her cheeks gave her away. She was hoping Taker had asked about her or at the least, to have some word about him.

Kali grinned mischievously, reading her friend like a book! Kane had said Taker wanted to call Judy and had tried several different means to get her phone number!

"Took all the conniving I could muster, to keep him from tracking her." Kane laughed as he told Kali the story.

Kali smiled as she thought about the reactions of both parties, when they realized what was going on! She just hoped they weren't too angry!

"What are you up to?" Judy asked softly, eyeing Kali with more than a little suspicion.

"ME? Why Judy! I'm surprised at you! I'm not up to a thing!" Kali's look of innocence was belied by the wicked gleam in her expressive blue eyes.

Leaning back in her seat, Judy continued to stare at her friend, absolutely certain that something was afoot! Seeing the suspicion in Judy's eyes, Kali smiled sweetly as she too, settled in for the flight.

They had dressed casually for the trip, wearing jeans and cotton blouses! And both women filled the tight jeans to perfection! They drew many an admiring glance as they walked through the crowded airport. As the two women waited for the luggage, Kali glanced over at Judy and saw her attention was else where. Kali smiled secretly, then looked about for Kane and Taker!

She spotted the men across from them at the next claim check area. Kane met her eyes, as they shared a secret grin. Judy and Kali's flight had landed fifteen minutes early and both parties had arrived at almost the same time.

The two women finally collected their bags and had turned to leave, when Kali squealed happily.

"Well! If this isn't a surprise! Look Judy! It's Kane and Taker!" Kali and Kane exchanged glances, then she looked back at Judy and over at Taker to see their reactions.

She went stock still! Very slowly, Judy lifted her eyes to meet the pleasantly surprised ones of Taker. All the color drained out of her face only to come rushing back, leaving her flushed. She could no more prevent her eyes from devouring him, than she could prevent drawing breath. Tearing her eyes away with difficulty, she turned to look accusingly at her "friend". Kali wore a pleased, smug look, identical to the one on Kane's face. They had been set up!

"Yeah, some surprise! Remind me to tell you what I think of this later!" She said for Kali's ears only! When she looked back at Taker, she met his penetrating green gaze with difficulty.

"It's good to see you again! Seems funny we just HAPPENED to be here at the same time, doesn't it? I think we've been set up!" She said quietly, pleased in spite of the sneaky way it came about. She sent Kane and Kali, both, a shaming look!

Taker had been surprised when he happened to glance up and saw the two women, but Kali only had eyes for the man next to him. He knew then, this was no accidental meeting! As his eyes moved back over to Judy, Taker was glad, rather than angry. She still hadn't looked up!

"You might of told me!" Taker's soft voice finally broke through Kane's preoccupation with Kali.

Kane turned his hazel eyes to the man next to him and grinned in spite of the frown on that one's face. "Oh, you aren't upset and you KNOW it! Don't even try pretending you are! You're glad she's here and you know it!" Kane wasn't going to cut him any slack. Then they went over and joined the ladies.

On the ride to the hotel, and they just "happened" to be staying at the same one, Judy sat quietly in the back seat next to Taker. Mixed emotions filled her! She didn't know what to think!

"Don't be too upset with them. Their intentions were good!" His soft, husky voice sent shivers of desire racing all through her body!

Smiling gently at him, her eyes finally met his fully! "I'm not! And I am glad to see you!" Her velvety voice mesmerized him, as did the pleased look in her eyes!

Unable to help himself, Taker leaned forward covering her lips in a tender kiss. When she responded, the big man found the kiss deepening very quickly.

Judy felt her bones melting! They literally puddled up at her feet! She responded with every bit of the passion in her, not caring that other people were in the front seat. She didn't care about anything but kissing this man...being with this man...LOVING this man! Taker finally pulled back, albeit reluctantly! Her eyes were nearly black with desire! And Taker could hardly wait to get her alone!

Kane glance in the rear view mirror and saw the kiss! Grinning wickedly, he reached over taking Kali's small hand in his. It was obvious they hadn't made a mistake in arranging this! Glancing over at Kali, he could only wish they were doing the same as the couple in the back seat of the rented Lincoln.

Kali was glad Judy and Taker weren't angry about this ruse! She was anxious to be alone with Kane! She had missed her gentle giant! For all they both just want some privacy, for today, it wasn't to be!

After checking in, both the men and Kali found out they were not going to be able to do much more than drop off their luggage! The men had just over an hour to get to the mall where the autograph session was to be held and Kali had to sign in for the convention she came here to attend.

After reading the note left for her, Kali glanced over at her friend! "You gonna be ok alone for a few hours?" Kali felt guilty now for not having thought about all this stuff she had to do.

"Yes! I'll be fine! I have a couple of books that I brought along, and I may EVEN take a walk to check out some of the shops I noticed on the drive over." She reassured her friend. Her eyes met those of Taker's. He was annoyed for having to leave so soon. But the wait would make it all the sweeter when they WERE together!

Kane finally got Taker's attention. "Come on, we better get going if we are going to find the damn place!" His irritation was as great as Taker's. He asked Kali to meet him for dinner around 9:00.

"No problem! We'll have the rest of the evening free?" She asked softly, her eyes filled with longing as she gazed wistfully in to his hazel ones. Kane smiled in anticipation, promising to see her later.

A short while later, after Judy was alone in her room, she tried to read, but her mind wasn't on it. With an unladylike snort, she threw the book down in disgust and walked over to stare out the window. A slow smile curved her lips as she reached a decision!

Judy picked up her purse, and left the hotel. She didn't have far to go till she found what she wanted. The little boutique had all sorts of ladies wear. The intimate apparel was down right scandalous! Straight out of Fredricks of Hollywood! With a wicked grin, she picked out a corset and matching stocking. This she would wear tonight!

Grinning to herself, Judy made her way back to the hotel with her purchases. All manner of wicked thoughts came to mind, when she thought about the night ahead!

Humming softly, she made her way through the busy lobby. While she waited for the elevator, smiling to herself, she was unaware of the strange little man, off to the side, watching her over the edge of his newspaper. Then just as she stepped on to the elevator, he ran forward as the doors closed. Judy, hearing someone call out, stopped the doors from closing, allowing the strange little man to get on.

"Thank you!" He said, barely meeting her eyes.

"That's ok! What floor do you need?" She asked politely, looking at the little man.

"Nine please!" Was his equally polite reply.

"Oh! That's my floor!" She said, smiling at the strange little man. He avoided looking at her directly, giving the appearance of a mouse rather than a man. Judy suspected he might be here for the same convention as Kali. He just looked the type!

But nothing could have been further from the truth! For all his non-descriptive looks, this very strange little man was a reporter for one of the gossip rags found at any supermarket. He was after some dirt on pro-wrestling's Undertaker! And his sources told him this woman could be a link to the man. Judy never noticed the strange little man following her, as she stepped off the elevator and made her way down the hall to her room.

"Kali...would you mind staying with Kane tonight?" Judy's face flamed bright red, as Kali glanced at her. Kali merely lifted a delicately arched eyebrow in the other's direction.

"I think that can be arranged! Any particular reason? Or is a certain tall red-headed wrestler the reason?" Kali couldn't help teasing her friend a little.

Grinning in spite of herself, Judy merely said she planned on having a guest, hopefully an over-night guest!

"Honey! PUL_EASE! You know I was hoping you two would hit it off!" Kali grinned back at the other woman.

"Well, we DEFINITELY hit it off in THAT way! And I must say, it has been a while since I felt this way! Don't read anything in to this! It's purely a "physical" relationship." She said with a wicked grin.

Judy's eyes sparkled as memory of just HOW physical the relationship was. Nor could she prevent the blush of pleasure as she recalled some of the things they had done. He had broken through her inhibitions, releasing the sexual animal in her.

Laughing softly, Kali told her to hurry or they would be late for dinner. As they entered the restaurant more than one man turned to watch as these two stunning ladies made their way over to the table where Taker and Kane were seated. As they approached, those two stood up.

Dinner was enjoyed by all. Soon enough, it was time to part company. Kane and Kali disappeared rather quickly, leaving Taker and Judy at their table. He watched as she nervously fidgeted with the napkin.

"Would you like to take in the sites?" He asked courteously.

Looking at him, she blurted out the words. "NO! I would like for you to take me back to my room! And stay with me!" Judy gasped, then turned beet red!

Taker lifted an eyebrow at her, amused by her red face. His desire to be alone with her was strong, but he didn't want to push it. He knew this was not something she would normally have said.

"You sure bout that?" He asked, giving her an opportunity to back down.

Calming down at last, the look she gave him, left little doubt as to what she had in mind. "Yes, very sure!" She said softly.

Not needing to be asked twice, the huge man and petite woman quickly left the restaurant. Neither one noticed the two men following them.

Some time later, Taker could not believe the things she had done to him. She had become a wild woman! Not that he was complaining! They had been in her room for about three hours, and in bed most of that time. He had just rolled away from her, trying to catch his breath. She rolled over on top of him, doing all manner of things with her sharp little teeth, to his very sensitive nipples.

They were startled when the door to her room suddenly burst open, allowing the strange little fellow from the elevator and another man, to come in. The other guy had a camera. Judy squealed in fright as Taker pushed her down. She quickly covered her head with the covers, totally humiliated!

"What the hell do you want!" Taker demanded, his green eyes blazing as he flew from the bed, toward these unwelcome intruders. In all his naked glory... and the guy with the camera was steadily snapping picture after picture.

"Well, now, seems like we caught the MIGHTY Undertaker in bed with his new mistress. Public is gonna love these shots!" The strange little man sneered as he looked to where Judy barely peaked out from under the covers. Reaching out he snatched the covers away, exposing her nudity as well.

Taker was TRULY pissed off! Eyes blazing, snarling in absolute fury, he moved toward the two, intending to beat hell out of both of them, after smashing the camera. But that was not to be! Seeing his intentions, both men made a rather hasty retreat, leaving them once more alone in her room. The man had promised to send Taker the first copy off the presses.


~Chapter Eight!~ Kaliegh

"I'm glad Judy and Taker weren't angry with us." Kali said after she and Kane had gotten back to his room. Kane poured them each a glass of wine and then walked over to join Kali.

"Thanks." Kali smiled up at Kane when he handed her the glass and then sat down beside her, putting one of his huge arms around her shoulders.

"They certainly seem to have hit it off well." Kane commented with a grin, remembering the looks he had seen pass between those two.

"Well, I hope it works out for them. To say that the last few years have been rough for Judy is an understatement. She really deserves to be happy." Kali tipped her glass up, downing the wine in one shot. Kane stared into her eyes as he took the glass from her hand and set them down on the table.

Kane ran a finger down Kali's cheek as he slowly leaned forward until his lips met hers in a demanding kiss. Kali moaned softly, responding instantly to him. Her arms went around his big body as he pulled her closer, onto his lap. His hands exploring her body again brought forth moans of desire from Kali for this gorgeous man.

Kane broke the kiss and pulled back, his breath catching in his throat when he looked into blue eyes that were dark with passion. Again he kissed her, gently sucking on her bottom lip before moving across her jaw and down to her neck.

Kali tugged at Kane's shirt, pulling it loose from his jeans, and then she pulled it off over his head. After dropping the shirt to the floor, Kali ran her hands across his broad shoulders, down his arms, and then back up his massive chest, causing a deep, rumbling groan to escape Kane's throat.

Kali raked her long fingernails down Kane's back. This inflamed him even more, and when She curled her fingers through his hair and pulled his head back down to hers, Kane captured Kali's lips in another mind shattering kiss while he picked her up and carried her to the bed.

Sometime later, just as Kane rolled over on his back and pulled Kali on top of him, the phone began to ring. Kane and Kali froze for a second before turning to look at the phone with a murderous glare in each of their eyes. They turned their attention back to each other, trying their best to ignore the constant ringing. Finally after about the twelfth ring, Kali reached over and grabbed the phone off of the hook.

"WHAT?" She yelled angrily into the phone after bringing it up to her ear.

For a few moments there was only silence on the other end of the line and Kali was about to hang up when Judy, who sounded very upset, began to speak.

"Kali, I'm so sorry to bother you right now, but I wanted you to know that I'm going back home." Judy told her in a trembling voice.

Kali could hear Taker stomping around and swearing up a storm in the background and wondered what was going on.

"What the hell happened?" Kali demanded to know as she looked down at Kane, who was staring back up at her in confusion. Kaliegh just shook her head and shrugged her shoulders as she waited for Judy's explanation.

When Judy did begin to speak again, Kali's eyes grew wide with shock as she listened to the humiliation her friend had just been through.

"Oh, Judy, I'm so sorry." Kali said softly, feeling absolutely horrible for what her friend had just been put through.

~Chapter Nine!~Judy

Judy watched in complete humiliation as the nasty, odious little man gave her a last sneering leer, before making a hasty departure! The photographer had been steadily snapping pictures of both her and Taker even though he was stark naked. An enraged Taker was rapidly advancing on both intruders, clearly intending to maim and dismember.

Taker had been doing his damnedest to avoid that slime, and up until tonight had managed to do that very thing. He followed them as far as the ruined doorway before realizing he was naked. One look at his eyes would have warned off anyone. A dangerous glitter made his green eyed stare even more menacing than usual.

Going back into the bedroom, Taker began pulling on his tight black jeans. His eyes were on the embarrassed woman still sitting in the middle of the huge bed clutching the sheets up under her chin. Her eyes were wide and staring.

"You ok?" He asked softly, watching her intently. She appeared to be in shock or something.

Blinking rapidly, shaking her head as though to clear it, she turned confused blue eyes up to his inquisitive glance.

"AHM... Yes... I'm fine." She replied distracted, wanting nothing more than to crawl into a hole and pull it in after her!

"You better get dressed. We're going to have company in a few minutes. And Judy, for what it's worth, I'm sorry this happened!" He hadn't wanted her involved in this mess!

At his words, her mouth fell open as she scrambled out of bed and began looking about for her clothes. Taker watched as she disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Sighing, he picked up the phone and dialed the front desk. When the desk clerk answered, Taker asked first for the manager and then for security to be sent up immediately.

A few minutes later, when Judy came out of the bathroom, her decision was made! She was going home to Thief River Falls! While Taker raised holy hell with security and management, Judy quietly packed her belongings then called Kali and the airport!

Taker protested her decision to leave but it didn't do any good. She was going home! Judy lucked up and there was a flight out on a couple of hours, and she intended to be on it.

"Please stay! We'll get another room and won't leave it!" He tried his best to talk her into staying.

"I'm sorry! I can't! I have to go!" She whispered painfully, unable to meet his eyes. She zipped up her bag, then finally looked up. "Taker... I can't deal with this shit right now! I can't! I filed for divorce a short time ago, from a man I was married to for five years! I LOVED him! And for the last three years he was unfaithful to me! Catching him with his latest mistress was the last straw! I filed that same day! My divorce becomes final in three weeks. Then I met you!" Judy held his eyes. Tears glistened in hers as she bared her soul to this man. "I care for you a great deal! I would LOVE to spend more time with you, but this is too much right now, for me to deal with!"

Taker understood completely! He was a little surprised by the fact she was still technically a married woman. He only prayed that ass hole didn't get that bit of information. He would ruin her reputation with it.

"May I at least drive you to the airport?" He asked softly.

"I'd like that very much!" She whispered, going into his arms for another kiss.


Kali and Kane had gone down to Judy's room, but with all the security about, they weren't allowed to go in, and had to return to their own room.

Kane tried calling several times, but kept getting a busy signal. And Taker's cell phone had been turned off so as not to disturb him. Running a hand through his long hair, Kane finally forgot about it and turned his attention back to Kali. She was upset for her friend.

Pulling her into his arms, Kane lowered his head till their lips met in a kiss that was promising in it's intensity. His big hands roamed at will over her sleek body, till she moaned, and begged him for more. Her hands were doing things to him as well. Their passions soon grew so intense, they could not be denied. And after stripping each other of their clothes, Kane lowered her to the carpeted floor, not bothering to even go the few feet to the sofa. They loved till just before daylight when exhaustion finally claimed them.

Judy had been home nearly a week. Never had she been so humiliated as when that reporter and photographer had broke down the door to her room. She still blushed when she thought about it. She also felt violated to her very soul.

She had gone into her office early, wanting to get some extra work done. She was right in the middle of reading a report from a contractor, when her private line rang. He husband called, wanting to talk!

"Dave, I don't have time for this now! Call me this afternoon!" She said irritably, then hung up the phone.

Two hours later, as she was leaving the office for a scheduled appointment with a young couple, they called needing to re-schedule. After that, her whole day just went down the toilet.

While sitting at a traffic light, a truck turned too sharply, and took out the entire left fender of her car. After spending the next two hours with the police and her insurance company, Judy finally had a rental car to drive. After that, she decided to just go home, thoroughly disgusted with the events of the day.


The next morning was a nasty, rainy day. She hadn't slept well the night before, and ended up over-sleeping. She was late going into the office. Pissed off because her day had started off badly, she wondered what was going to happen next. What awaited her would do nothing to improve her already bad temper! Her soon to be ex-husband sat waiting in her office!

"What do you want, Dave!" She asked grumpily, walking behind her desk.

"Why, I just wanted to see my wife!" His eyes had a wicked gleam in them. He was up to something!

Snorting in a most un-ladylike manner, Judy eyed him with more than a little suspicion. "Since when?"

Straightening up in the chair, he handed her some papers, as she sat down behind the antique desk.

"What's this?" She asked, not really interested.

"I've filed a counter-suite. Seems I'm not the only one that has been playing in some one else's back yard!" Each word dripped venom.

"I HAVE NOT! OH! you WOULD try some shit like this!" Her quiet anger, flashing blue eyes, bespoke the depths of her anger.

"OH! But it's true, my dear! At least the tramps I slept with were not in the country's eye! You, on the other hand, had to pick up a wrestler!" Dave held up the gossip rag with her picture on the front cover, along with that of the very naked Taker.

Judy felt as though she had been kicked in the stomach. She stared at the picture. Little black boxes were placed strategically, covering certain body parts, but there was no denying that they had been interrupted during a moment of extreme intimacy.

"Please! Look inside! It gets better!" Dave said smugly!

But she couldn't turn the pages. Slowly, Judy lifted cold eyes to the knowing ones of her husband. "What do you want?"

"What do I want? I'll tell you what I DON'T want! I DON'T want a divorce! I happen to like being a husband! I haven't signed the papers yet, and don't intend to! What I want.... is to stay married!" Dave said, a calculating gleam in his beady little eyes.

"Dave, I'll tell you what! We WILL be getting divorced! I don't care what sort of cheap tricks you try to pull. But divorced, we will be!" Judy picked up the papers he had brought, stuffed them down in her valise, and walked out, leaving him still sitting in her office. She drove straight to her lawyer's office.

After spending most of the afternoon at her attorney's office, Judy finally left and went home! It made her sick to think Dave could be so greedy and petty! Not to mention selfish! He had made unreasonable demands in his counter-suit, but finally, the attorneys got it worked out. Dave WOULD be signing the papers, this time! She was going to have to pay, and pay DEARLY, but in a few weeks time, Judy would be free of her husband!

The phone was ringing as she let herself in. Running to get it, she found her boss on the other end.

"Hey! What's up?" She asked curiously, as she laid her purse and keys down on the hall table.

"Judy....I don't know how else to do this, except straight out! I've gotta let you go! I don't like doing this over the phone, but the office is swarming with reporters! It wouldn't be wise to let you come back to the office this afternoon!" His distant tone was cold, uncaring!

"Why? What have I done other than make you a bunch of money?" She asked angrily, knowing already!

"Those pictures in that paper! They constitute moral turpitude! I can't have pictures of that nature of my agents in those kinds of papers! Let me know when you'll be coming in to clear out your desk!" He hung up after that.

Slowly, she hung up the phone! Now she was unemployed! She had to get out of here! Not knowing where else to go, she went over to Kali's.

Kali answered the door before Judy even had time to lower her hand.

"I'm sorry I didn't call first. Did I come at a bad time?" Judy asked, looking like she was about to cry.

"Don't be silly! Come on in! What on earth has happened?" Kali's keen eyes took in the trembling hands, the tear streaked face, the swollen eyes, and knew something terrible had happened.

"I got fired!" She said then instantly burst into tears! She sat down on the love seat and poured out the whole story, even showing her the damn paper!

Kali studied the photos on the cover and on the inside! She didn't say anything for several minutes.

"Well! Now I see why you were walking funny! That's alot of man, there!" Kali said, a wicked gleam in her eyes!

Judy's eyes met Kali's for just a split second, then she burst out laughing!

"Oh, Kali! You are so BAD!!!!"

"Have you told Taker?" Kali asked still chuckling.

"No! I didn't want to get him involved in my problems!" She said, depressed again!

"Honey, please!!!!! He already IS involved! Now pick that phone up and call him!!! Tell him what happened! He has a right to know!" Kali was forever the practical one! Judy's voice of reason!

"Ok! Maybe you're right! I better warn him about Dave! I wouldn't put anything past that slime ball!" Judy was getting angry again!

"There you go! Now call that man!" Kali handed her the phone and watched as she punched in the number.

"Hello! Taker? It's Judy! I've been fired over those pictures in that damn paper!" Judy's eyes filled with tears again!

She listened as he yelled and cussed some, then he asked how she was holding up.

"Ok I guess. But Taker... it gets worse! My husband refused to sign the divorce papers and counter-sued me! He's named you as the reason!" Judy waited for a reply, but only dead silence greeted her. "Taker? Are you there?" Still only silence!

Not knowing what to think, shock hit her with the force of a sledge hammer, when a few seconds later, she heard the distinctive click of him hanging up!

Book Three!

To Be Continued!
© Can not be reproduced without written permission from Kaliegh or Judy!