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Chapter Fifteen!~Judy!

"Lord, Kane! What if I made a mistake? What if I've set my best friend up for even more pain and heartache? I may have just lost the dearest friend I ever had!" She moaned miserably!

Kali sought out the comfort his warm embrace had to offer! She slipped her own arms around his tight waist as she laid her cheek against his thickly muscled chest. Uncertainty ate at her! Concern for Judy was uppermost in her mind!

"Babe, I don't know what to tell ya! Taker cares a great deal for her. I really don't think he meant to hurt her, but just used poor judgment in the way he handled it. Whatever happens now, is up to them! It's up to Judy! She has to be willing to listen to him, if they are going to work this thing out! It's out of our hands now!" Kane's soft husky drawl sent shivers through her body. His caressing voice, and hands worked their magic on her.

Kane felt her anguish, felt her concern! Lowering his head to hers, Kane covered her lips with his own, in a kiss that started off gentle, yet quickly turned passionate! Gathering her slight body up in his massive arms, Kane carried her willing form to the big bed. Very slowly, methodically, he undressed her, covering each exposed inch of skin with hot kisses!

Kali moaned softly, her whole body had become like putty under his knowing touch! Arching her back, not wanting to break the contact with him, Kali pulled impatiently at his shirt, wanting to feel his bare skin against her own!

Kane unhooked the lacy bit of satin, that passed as a bra, throwing it across the room. Her mini skirt followed. In minutes, he had her naked, quivering and more than willing to do any thing this man wanted!

Kane stood up long enough to remove his clothes. Kali's eyes followed his every move. She ached for his touch... for his loving... for the release only he could provide! He carried her to heights of passion never before experienced! When he re-joined her on the huge bed, Kane caressed her... teased her... loved her... till she begged him to take her! His mouth and hands seemed to be every where at once! He covered her body with his own, only when she was withering and whimpering with desire, begging for mercy!

"Please, Kane! NOW! Take me now!" Kali whimpered, her eyes glazed over with desire for her husband to be!

Kane's sensuous lips curved in a knowing smile as he covered her body with his. As he buried himself in her womanly softness, she sighed in utter contentment. It was a long time later before they left the room. They were nearly late getting to the arena...each one wearing an identical look of satisfaction.

Judy listened to everything Taker had to say. She honestly had to admit to herself that she believed him! There was little doubt he was telling the truth!

Looking down at her tightly clasped hands, she didn't dare meet those compelling green eyes! Until this mess they had found themselves in, was settled, she could not allow herself to get any more involved with Taker. Even though it tore her apart to think it, this would have to be their last private meeting.

Taker's arm rested in the seat behind her, as he leaned closer, covering her hands with one of his own.

"I'm sorry! All I wanted was to protect you from Lynn's spite! She can be a queen bitch when it suits her!" Taker's soft husky voice sent shivers through her. His very closeness was going to be her undoing!

Looking down at his huge hand covering hers was almost more than she could bare!

"I belive you, I do! But until this mess is settled, we better not see each other alone again! I can't bare it!" Her softly trembling voice, along with her reluctance to meet his eyes, let him know just how affected she was by his nearness.

At least she believed him! He could accept her decision to stay away from him, for the time being! As Taker became aware of the intimacy of their surroundings, the setting sun... the deserted gravel road... the scent of her perfume with the underlying WOMAN smell underneath, all worked on his senses. Taker had become aroused! He wanted this woman! He wanted her NOW!

Leaning closer, he sniffed her hair, inhaling the fresh, clean smell of it. His lips touched her temple in the softest of kisses. But even so, he felt the heat of her desire. He knew she was feeling the same hot desire he was!

"I want you!" He murmured against her temple. Tenderly, gently, he lifted a long fingered hand, turning her face to his.

Barely daring to breathe, her eyes locked on his lips, she waited for him to kiss her. As he took in the rapid heartbeat, her heightened color, her slightly parted lips, Taker couldn't resist, nor did he want to! He claimed her lips with his own, sealing his possession of her! Judy was lost as he tenderly pushed her down in the roomy back seat of the rented limo!

His mouth still on hers, her arms went around him of their own accord, pulling him closer to her! Moaning softly, Judy moved her body slightly, to better accommodate his much larger one. She wanted him as she had never wanted a man before! Her very soul cried out to him!

Reaching between them, she removed her own underwear, pulling her long skirt up in the process. Taker unbuttoned his jeans with one hand, not taking his lips from hers. As soon as he was free, Taker filled her softness, becoming one with her!

There was a gentle intensity about their lovemaking that had been missing before! A sense of urgency... a sense of oneness, that they hadn't experienced previously!

Taker took his time loving her. It seemed almost as if this might be their last time together, and he wanted every second... every touch to remain forever in his memory. She sensed it too! The added touch of tenderness in his possession of her body. Oddly enough, she felt an over-whelming sadness. Tears filled her eyes as she cried out his name! The moment was one of such emotional pain and sweetness, she thought she would die from it!

Taker grunted, as he too, reached completion. There was a feeling of closure, of something coming to an end! Taker lost himself in her eyes. Tenderly, he wiped away a tear. Confusion, love, desire and a hint of sadness was mirrored in both pairs of eyes.

"We better go!" She whispered huskily, not wanting to let him go!

"Yeah, I suppose so!" He said softly, unable to resist one last kiss.

After re-adjusting their clothing, Taker opened the door of the limo. He held the driver's door as she slid across the seat, then he too, got in. Judy sat close to him all the way back to the arena, his free arm holding her against him.

Judy found Kali and sat with her in Kane's dressing room during his match against X-Pac! As expected, Kane won the match! Taker was up next against the Big Show!

Aside from the slightest of smiles, Judy had been silent and shown no emotion. Kali noticed the hint of sadness, and wondered what was going on in Judy's head! She looked majorly depressed, almost as if she had suffered a personal loss! Was it Taker? Kali could not draw her out!

"OK! You going to dinner with us?" Kali asked, watching Judy intently!

"Huh? Oh! No, I can't!...Kali, I'm going home! I know we planned to spend the next couple of days together, but...well,... I need to go home!" Judy's distant voice, her whole attitude, seemed more than a little preoccupied.

Kali studied her, concerned and more than a little worried. "Are you sure that's what you want to do? Spend the holidays alone?"

Judy's laugh seemed a little strange! Not really a laugh at all! "Kali, the holidays are still over a week away! And I want you and Kane to come spend Thanksgiving with me, unless you two have other plans?"

"What about Taker?" Kali had to ask!

Tears welled up in Judy's eyes as she looked away. She had to swallow passed the lump in her throat before answering. "I think that's pretty much over! At least for the time being, anyway! Maybe even for good!" Angrily, she wiped away the tears, not able to meet Kali's knowing eyes.

Kane and Kali slept in the next morning. Judy had deliberately lied to Kali concerning the time her flight left. She didn't want the tears that were sure to come with the good-byes. Judy was on the plane home long before her friend even turned over.

Taker drove passed the neat, comfortable looking chalet surrounded by the low stone wall. The house itself, sat well back from the road. What he could see of the place for all the trees, it looked to be huge! Taker slowed the truck for a better look. He was checking to see if any one was home!

Judy happened to be walking by the huge bay window in the living room, and noticed the black truck slowing down. She knew without a doubt, it was Taker. As she watched, the truck slowly moved on up the street. He didn't know she was home, since her car wasn't in the garage. She had left that door up when the man from the shop in town had picked up the car for maintance. She didn't delude herself into thinking he would go away. Taker would be back!


Chapter Sixteen!~Kaliegh!

Kali sighed as her flight landed back in Thief River Falls. She had been thinking about Judy through the entire trip home, and even as she exited the plane and walked through the crowded airport, she still was unable to get her friend out of her mind.

She had tried several times to call Judy after finding out that Judy had blatantly told her a completely different time that her flight was leaving from Asheville. Kali understood why Judy had told her the lie, but it still bothered Kali immensely. She didn’t like that they had parted without say good-bye, even though they would be getting together at the end of the week for Thanksgiving. It still weighed heavy on her heart as Kali located her truck , that she had left in long-term parking, and even as she was driving home. To top it all off, she missed Kane something terrible already, and knew the next few days until she saw him again were going to feel like an eternity.

She walked through the door leading into her apartment and sighed again. She glared at her computer, knowing she had a ton of work that needed to be tied up before she left again to go on the road with Kane for an extended time. Setting her bags down, Kali walked into her bedroom and saw there were four messages waiting on the answering machine for her. She smiled, hearing Kane’s voice in two of the messages. The third was from one of her clients, checking up on a design she was doing for them. Kali immediately recognized the misery filled voice in the fourth message, and moved closer so she could listen better.

Kali grabbed up her cordless phone and punched in Judy’s number. She answered on the third ring.

“Hello?” Judy answered after bringing the receiver up to her ear. Kali smiled to herself before answering, noticing that her friend sounded much better than she had in the message she left.

“Hey, it’s me!” Kali began. “I just got home…” She started again, but was stopped.

“Kali, I’m so sorry I left the way I did. I…” This time it was Kali that cut Judy off.

“Don’t worry about it. I understand completely. I was upset at first, but that was only because we didn’t get to say good-bye….You know how I am about that kind of stuff.” Kali paused long enough to light a cigarette and then continued.

“I’m just glad that you made it home okay and everything.” She stopped, taking a long drag off of her cigarette, then she spoke again. “Um…have you heard from Taker at all?” Kali had to ask, thinking that was the reason behind Judy’s more cheerful attitude.

“Well, no I haven’t. But…I saw him yesterday. He drove by the house, and I think he would have stopped, but my car wasn’t in the garage so he thought I wasn’t home.” Judy answered, and then quickly added, “But until all of this mess that he and I are stuck in, I know I can’t get involved with him in a personal relationship.” Judy felt tears stinging her eyes, but blinked them back as she changed the subject.

“So, are you and Kane going to be able to make it here for Thanksgiving?” She asked, looking forward to seeing both Kane and Kali again.

“Yes, of course. We’d love too.” Kali replied, just as anxious to see Judy as she was her. “Kane will be here late Thursday night, and then Friday morning we have a flight down to you.”

“Sounds good to me” Judy said, and then after talking a few more minutes, they hung up, making plans to talk again tomorrow.

***** When Thursday night finally arrived, Kali rushed around her apartment getting ready to go pick up Kane from the airport. She had laid down for a nap earlier, only planning to sleep no more than an hour. She ended up sleeping for three. She yelled a string of curses when she tripped over a cord that had been pulled out from behind her computer and literally went flying across the room. Luckily she had been able to get her hands under her, breaking the fall somewhat. She sat there for a moment, making sure she was okay, and then burst out laughing at her carelessness as she picked herself up off of the floor. Then she ran out the door, having to make a couple of stops before going to the airport.

Kali stopped first at the mall where her favorite store for buying computer software was located. She kicked herself for waiting until the last minute as she walked through the main entrance. The store was jam-packed, wall to wall with people. By time she reached her destination, she was crabby, and ready to fight anyone who got in her way. She quickly found the software she needed, paid for it, and left the store, more than anxious to see Kane, whose flight would be landing in less than an hour at 10:00pm.

Kali had to park her truck in the lot across the street from the mall since the main lot was full. She stood at the crosswalk beside a young mother and her child, who were also waiting for the red light to turn green so they could cross the busy street. Finally the light turned and they began making their way to the parking lot across the street. Kali’s head snapped up when she heard the sound of screeching tires fill the air. She turned to see a car that had deliberately run its red light headed straight for the mother and child, who were just ahead of her. Kali tried to yell a warning out to the two, but was unable to get the words out as shock and fear for the two people took over her senses. She looked again at the car that was approaching its target at an alarming rate, and knew instantly what she had to do.

Without a second thought, Kali jumped forward and with all of her strength pushed the little girl and her mom completely out of harms way. She looked up as the blinding headlights engulfed her frozen body. She made one last attempt to move, but her feet seemed cemented to the ground. The next thing she was aware of was the horrible pain that raced through her body as the car plowed into her, tossing her up onto the hood, and then through the car’s windshield. The last thought that went through her mind before her world went dark, was of Kane.


Chapter Seventeen!~Judy

Judy was coming through the kitchen door with an arm load of groceries when she heard the phone ringing. Muttering many an unkind thought, she sat the heavy bags down on the counter, as she reached for the phone. With Kali and Kane due in day after tomorrow, she needed something a little more filling than lettuce and yogurt to serve them!

"Hello!" Judy was slightly out of breath, irritably she pushed a stray lock of hair out of her face as she waited for who ever this was to respond! "Just how bad is she?" Judy managed to ask, she had a death grip on the receiver.

"Well... she has a broken ankle, a broken wrist, a concussion, several broken ribs, with possible internal bleeding. But we won't know about that until they get in there! Oh, they are having to do surgery on her. She's also got a broken jaw!! They aren't sure if the tenderness in her side in due to the broken ribs or if she has internal bleeding. She's in a bad way, Judy!" Kane broke down again, and had to try and compose himself before going on. "She was hit by that car after she pushed a woman and little girl out of it's path. She risked her life to save theirs!" Kane managed to say in a choked whisper. He was miserable and wanted company. He did not want to be alone in case the worst happened.

"I'll be there as soon as I can get a flight out. Don't worry, she'll be fine!" Judy tried her best to sound reassuring, but to her ears, she sounded any thing but.

After hanging up with Kane, she called the airport and was lucky, a flight was leaving in just a couple of hours. That would give her time to get ready. Next, she called her boss, telling him she had a family emergency and had to go out of town. With that done, Judy packed an emergency bag, then put away her perishable groceries, the rest was left sitting where it was. In minutes, she was out the door on her way to the airport. She called Kane from the airport to let him know she was on her way.

When she arrive at the hospital, Judy found Kane dozing in a chair in the waiting room. As she took the seat next to him, she asked. "Has there been any change?"

"Only the slightest improvement!" Kane said wearily. "I'm glad you came!" He gripped her hand, happy to have her company.

Judy got up and hugged the big man. He looked worn out! "She's family! I'm going to speak to the nurse, then I'd like to get something to eat! Is there an all night cafeteria close by?" She stated.

"Yeah, there's one downstairs. Come on, I'll go with you!" Kane was awake now. They walked the short distance to the nurses station. Judy spoke briefly to the nurse in charge and was led in to Kali's room.

The thought that hit Judy the hardest, as they were led in to Kali's room, was how small she looked lying there on that huge hospital bed. She was on oxygen and had tubes running every where! Both she and Kane wiped at the tears that fell.

"You have five minutes!" The nurse said quietly. They nodded silently, not taking their eyes off the still form lying before them.

Judy stepped over to Kali's bedside, Kane on the other side. Judy studied her closely, finally satisfied with what she saw!

"Kal, Kane and me are here, and will STAY here till you get well!" Judy's trembling voice reached some part of Kali's mind, because she responded to her friends voice.

Kali's eyes fluttered open, meeting first Kane's then Judy's worried gaze. Both were openly crying. Kali tried to speak, but all that came out was a hoarse croak. This distressed her.

"Don't try to talk right now. I suspect your throat is awfully dry. You just concentrate on getting better!" Judy said, holding her friend's fingers. Kali squeezed them, even as tears fell from her own eyes.

Kali looked at Kane. He leaned forward, kissing her tenderly on the forehead."I love you, Babe!" He said huskily.

The nurse came in and told them they had to leave so Kali could rest. As they slowly left Kali's room, they reassured her they would be near by, and would be back as soon as they were allowed.

The nurse smiled at them as she returned to check Kali's vitals. Smiling at the patient, she said "They can come back in a few hours. But for now, you need to rest!."

Kali tried to smile, but her wired jaw prevented it. Tears of frustration slipped down her swollen face.


Judy knew from the look of him, Kane was just about to his limit! He probably hadn't eaten or had any thing to drink. She used her own hunger as an excuse to get him away for a short time.

Looking down at the hot chocolate, and un-eaten sandwich sitting before her, Judy listened as Kane talked about the accident, and how it came about. He looked miserable.

"The woman whose life Kali saved, was here when I finally got here. She had me paged at the airport and told me what happened!" Kane was very proud of Kali's actions, but also very concerned for her.

They sat there talking quietly for a couple more hours, then went back up to the waiting room. Judy intended to stay with Kane, until Kali was moved from ICU. She had taken a room at the motel right down the street, so they could switch up going there to take showers and catch a quick nap, undisturbed. And from the looks of Kane, he could use the rest!

Kali stayed ten more days in the hospital. Judy had to go back home a few days after she got there. By then she knew Kali was out of danger, and had already been moved to another room. She had asked for and been given a week off to stay with Kali, once she was discharged. Kane would stay with her for a few days, then bring her to stay with Judy for the duration of her convalescence.


Taker guessed Judy would be spending time with Kali. He learned from Kane that Kali would be going to Judy's and staying till she recovered, after they broke for Christmas. Kane was looking forward to going as well. There would only be a few days when she would be home alone and he would have the chance to go see her. He really needed to talk to her.


Judy went to the door in response to the door bell. A strange man stood on the other side. What he had for her was devastating.

"This is WHAT?" She asked in shocked disbelief, even as she reached for the papers!

"You have been named as co-defendant in a divorce case." The private detective said. He hated this part of his job. Judging by the shocked surprise on her face, the lady had no idea.

Judy took the papers, then closed the door. She sank into the chair just inside the living room, to read the papers she just received. Her dismay grew with each word she read. By the time she got to the end of the papers, the tears had dried. She was being accused of alienation of affection! Been named as co-defendant in what she suspected would prove to be a rather nasty divorce!

She sat there thinking about these papers! One thing was certain! She needed a lawyer! Picking up the phone, she called her office and asked to speak to the boss. When he got on the phone, she asked for the name of a good lawyer specializing in divorce cases.

"I thought you WERE divorced?" He asked curiously.

"I am! But I need an attorney just the same!" Judy's voice was empty of any emotion, yet he sensed a hint of strain that he bet she was trying hard to hold back.

He gave her the name and number of the attorney that handled his three divorces. She thanked him and hung up. Minutes later, she had made an appointment for that very afternoon.


"Kali are you ok? Can I get you something? Plump the pillows or something?" Kane asked helpfully.

"I'm fine! I'd like you to sit with me!" She said, smiling up at him, as she patted the sofa beside her.

Grinning broadly, Kane anxiously sat down beside her. He treated her as though she were made out of the most fragile of crystal rather than flesh and blood. It disturbed him when he thought of how close he came to losing her.

Tenderly, he leaned over kissing her gently. "I love you Kali! This scared ten years off my life!" Kane's husky voice touched her deeply. Kali got misty eyed as she looked up at the beat of her heart!

"Oh, Kane! My only concern that day, was to get to the airport and pick you up! Now, all I want is to love you!" She leaned closer to him.

Unable to resist the unspoken invitation, Kane claimed her lips in a kiss that was tender at first, but rapidly consumed them both in it's intensity. Reluctantly, Kane pulled away from her, not wanting their passions to get any further out of hand!

Her eyes were glassy with lust that his slightest touch produced. "Kane, you won't hurt me! I won't break in half! I want you in my bed, loving me!" Her soft voice was husky with the depths of her desire!

Kane studied her closely for several minutes, then very carefully picked her up carrying her to the bedroom. They loved each other all night long!


Taker waited till full dark, before approaching her house. It had begun to snow, and the snowfall had gotten thicker very quickly! If it kept this up, there would be an additional several inches on the ground by midnight! He pulled in to the drive way, using the back door rather than the front.

He lifted the ugliest brass door knocker he had EVER seen in his life! "GAWD!" He muttered in disbelief, smiling in spite of it. Briskly rapping the hideous thing three times, Taker waited patiently for her to come.

"Who is it?" She asked irritably. No body EVER came to her back door!

"Judy, it's me! Taker! Please let me in!" He asked.

There was no mistaking that voice. Leaning her head against the door, her shoulders drooped dejectedly, Judy took a deep steadying breath, then unlocked the door!

"What are you doing here! You have no business here!" Yet she stepped aside to let him in.

Judy poured them both a cup of coffee. Sitting at the breakfast bar, Taker watched her. This wasn't going to be easy. She was annoyed with him! His eyes devoured her features slowly, as memory of their last meeting flashed before him.

"You're looking great! his mountain air agrees with you!" His soft, husky voice sent shivers of delight racing along her nerves. Very slowly, he lifted the hot coffee to his sensuous lips.

Judy dropped her eyes with an effort. She was remembering the last time they were together, as well. "Thank-you! But that still doesn't tell me why you're here!" She persisted.

"I came to warn you about my ex- wife. She may try to do something!" His velvety voice and hot eyed stare made her feel tingly.

Judy couldn't meet his eyes. Reaching over to a small stack of letters, she handed him a legal looking document. She watched as he read the papers.

"You mean something like this?" The cool tone and glittering anger in her eyes told him he was too late with his warning.

Holding her eyes, Taker took the documents, and carefully began to read!

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!" Taker exploded! "THAT BITCH!!!!" He was furious! He paced back and forth in his anger, his hands jammed down in his back pockets.

Judy sat back and calmly sipped her coffee while he ranted and raved against his soon to be ex-wife.

Finally, Taker sat back down. He ran his hands across his face, then met her eyes! "I'm sorry bout this!" He said sincerely.

"I know you are! And I've been to an attorney! So don't worry about it!" She informed him coolly!

Taker admired her spirit and forethought. He also sensed her anger and resentment. He eyed her cautiously. He felt an overwhelming sense of loss, an emptiness in the pit of his stomach!

"Now! Please leave!" She said quietly, her eyes on the cup in front of her! The wind had picked up, since he arrived, and she suspected it was snowing again.

Quietly, Taker left her house the same way he entered it. He backed the truck down the driveway. Without looking back at her house, he wondered how far he would get in this mess. The snow made driving nearly impossible.

Judy still sat at the counter, her heart was breaking in to. Tears fell as she thought about what might have been. Finally, she got up and walked over to the window. Looking out, she thought about the ski lodges. This extra snow would be good for their business. It would be hell to drive through, though!

Just then, a knock sounded at the front door. Frowning slightly, she wondered just who that might be.


Chapter Eighteen!~Kaliegh

“Hey, so when are we getting married anyway?” Kane asked as he looked down at Kali lying in his arms. He couldn’t wait to make her his wife.

“Well, I’d like sometime in the spring or early summer. When do you have in mind?” she answered as she ran a hand over one of his massive arms, loving the feel of the muscles bulging beneath her touch.

“I was thinking more like…tomorrow.” He stated, barely able to suppress the laugh that was threatening to break through when he saw her mouth fall open and eyes widen with surprise.

“Are you serious?” Kali finally managed to find her voice and ask. “There’s no way we could possibly be able to pull that off, Kane!” She exclaimed, thinking surely that he had to be joking with her.

Kane threw his head back and let the laughter he had been holding in escape. He barely ducked out of the way when Kali grabbed a pillow, intending to hit him with it.

“Kane, don’t scare me like that! You nearly sent me into heart failure!” She told him as she began to laugh herself. She smiled with happiness when he pulled her closer to him and lowered his head to hers.

Kane pulled back from the heated kiss, staring deep into her beautiful blue eyes. “How about late spring?” He suggested.

Kali looked at him, her eyes sparkling with humor. “Isn’t that kind of like…early summer?” She teased, burying her head in his muscled chest as her shoulders began shaking with laughter.

Kane thought about it for a moment. “You know, I think you may be right there.” He said with a smile as he ran a finger tenderly down her cheek. “It doesn’t matter if its spring or summer. As long as its soon, anytime is fine with me.” Kane finished as he slowly leaned forward again to capture her lips in another mind-shattering kiss.


Judy turned on her front porch light and groaned with annoyance when she moved the curtain back and looked out, seeing Taker standing on the other side. She nearly yanked the door from its hinges when she pulled it open and layed an ice cold glare on him.

Taker could see all of the emotions glowing in her eyes was disturbed knowing he had been the cause of some of the emotional turmoil she had been feeling lately.

“What do you want?” Judy asked through clenched teeth.

“I can’t get anywhere in this weather. You’re going to have to put me up for the night.” Taker told her, trying to suppress the grin that was tugging at the corners of his full lips.

Judy sighed, knowing that even though she was annoyed with this man like no other, she couldn’t let him risk his life in this storm. She looked down at her hands, not wanting to look into his eyes. She couldn’t look into those hypnotic green pools.

“Fine! But you’re sleeping in the guest room and don’t even think about doing otherwise!” She stepped aside, feeling a tidal wave of desire rush through her veins when his big body brushed against hers.

Taker turned his emerald green gaze to her as he removed his coat and shoes. “I’ll be gone in the morning. As soon as the roads are open.” He said, seeing the pain and hurt in her eyes. He had caused her enough pain and didn’t want to do anything to break her heart any further.

Judy continued to look down at her hands as memories of their last time together again flashed through her mind. She raised her head to comment and was surprised to find Taker standing directly in front of her. She hadn’t even seen or heard him move.

Without even realizing she was doing so, her arms went around his waist and she pulled him closer to her. Taker lowered his head, meeting her lips in a kiss that made time stand still for both of them. He eased her down to the floor and took her right there.

Judy woke up late the next morning and reached for Taker, but only found a cold empty space where he had been sleeping earlier. She climbed out of bed and went in search of him. He was no where to be found and his truck was no longer parked in her driveway. He was gone.


Two months later, Judy stood in her bathroom, her hands shaking uncontrollably as the she waited for the longest minute of her life to pass. Her eyes grew huge and then filled with tears as she looked down at the test stick she held in her trembling fingers. Her worst fears had just been confirmed. She was pregnant with Taker’s baby….

Book Five!

© Can not be reproduced without written permission from Kaliegh or Judy!