But For One Day
If you could but for one day, be my eyes and see you the
way I do! You would understand.
If you could but for one day,be my heart and feel how
it hurts for you! You would understand.
If you could but for one day, be my body and feel how
it aches for you! You would understand.
If you could but for one day, just be me! And feel all
the things I feel, see all the things I see, the way I
see them.
If you could but for one day, stand in my shoes! You
would know I could NEVER ! lie to you, NEVER !
betray you.
You would know what it's like to be me in love with you.
And want for you all the things you want and dream
to come true.
You would know that your happiness means more to
me then anything.
You would feel a love so strong so true. That I would die
for you!!
If But For Only One Day !!!!!!!
You would know what it's like to be me, in love with you.
This poem was written by me Janet M Dowdy on Feb.21,2000. On this page you are seeing inside my heart a bit. You are seeing some of the men that i've loved in my life. They appear not in the order of entering my life! But more in the order that the depth of the love i've felt for them stands in my life. This may not seem a good thing for me to put on my page to some! But to me this web page has been about me. So my friends can come and learn about me. And this is a big part of me. I hope you enjoy the peek.