Last revised: July 03, 2001.

Take action!!Legislative information you need to keep an eye on what our
do not go Gently
into the night!!

Rage! Rage!
against the dying of the light!

Patriotism and Individualism seem to be dying virtues in our country these days. I hope there will be enough of us who still believe in the founding principals of our great country to help it survive the onslaught of those who would tear it down and replace it with a governing machine that allows them to have power over you and I. Along with having the freedom to succeed at an endeavor of our own choosing, comes the freedom to fail. In a country where people look to the government to keep them from failing, therefore shirking personal responsibility in their own lives, the government will also take away that freedom to succeed in the way that we choose. What is so hard for our fellow Americans to understand about this truth? When the land of opportunity becomes the land of hand-out, I hope I do not survive the transition.
To quote a great Patriot, Individualist, & true American
"Give me liberty or give me death."

Go to the American Conservative Union page and get information on issues that you may not have heard anything about-since it is not the duty or job of the "media" to report issues to us, so that we may make up our own minds, especially if the issues don't support the socialist agenda of the media. If we don't push for action on issues that are important to us and to our country, the correct action will not be taken.A great clearing house of political information.

There are links to other very good sites on this page by clicking on the images--please, take time to visit them today.

Do it now before another minute passes, for yourself and the future!


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