December 18, 1995 ~ age 14


Twas the night before my horse show, when I got scared,
I worried and wondered when I would be prepared.

I tossed and I turned, and I polished my boots,
I got so worried, I counted all my suits.

I only fell asleep in terrible fright,
it must of been late, or maybe even midnight.

When it was morning, I woke up to a bright sun,
I tried to tell myself the horse show would be fun.

But, as much as I tried, I convinced myself not,
how could I have fun, if my horse wouldn't even trot.

I went to the barn, so I could get my horse,
going to the barn was like a training course.

My horse in the trailer and I in the truck,
as my grandma started it up, I prayed for luck.

We went down the highway and on our way,
now I really hoped I'd have a very lucky day.

When we got there I now began to get prepared,
I got ready there was no time to be spared.

I brushed my horse off until she was shiney,
yes, it's true, I even had to brush her hiney.

I clipped, and I cut, and I trimmed her bridle path,
if I had the time, I would gave given her a bath.

Now she was looking good, and she started to shine,
I started to think everything would be fine.

But then I remembered there was no way or chance,
even if I did well, they'd still beat off my pants.

I put on the saddle and tightened the cinch,
I turned around because, someone gave me a pinch.

It was my grandma and she said it was time to start,
if I wanted to make it, I'd have to dart.

I put on the bridle and rode off very fast,
everyone was in line, except me the last.

The announcers voice came over the loud speaker,
it was time to start, everyone became meeker.

We rode straight in a line just like army men,
now I sat up straight, just like a roosting hen.

I rode around the show ring so the judge could watch,
he looked at me and on his paper made a blotch.

Now the announcers voice came and told to trot,
I heard this and worried for it scared me alot.

My horse wouldn't trot, even if she knew how,
but if I wanted to win, she'd do it now.

So I squeezed with all my might and she trotted,
now I was so happy my stomach was knotted.

The rest of my class I rode spiffy and did fine,
now the announcer told us to get in line.

I worried because in line you had to back,
yes; this is another talent I did lack.

The judge asked me to back up just like the rest,
I said "but please sir I'm not one of the best."

He said "just try it and we will have to see,"
now I was in trouble and had to pee.

So listen to him and I backed up very well,

Then just as I got a sudden thirst,
it came out all right, because I came in as first.