to Princess Tink's Palace

"Sabrina" is my name.

This is my little webpage. Thanks for dropping by. Feel free to roam about.
This site works kinda like my home; it's always open to visiters, so make yourself at home.
I hope you have as much fun exploring the site as I did making it.

About Me

Links to intresting sites, friends pages, and more

genealogy website


Fun pictures of
Tinkerbell and other Fairies

Cartoon doll maker
I made for my neices
make your own doll

Amy Brown Tribute Page

Wonder Woman page!

Please sign my guestbook.

Drop me a line at


In the right hand corner of all my pages you'll see a little Tink.
If you click on Tink, she'll allways take you Home!

Thanks for dropping bye. I'll try to up-date more often, time providing.


Ya'll come back now y'hear.

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This site was created March 1997