These pictures were taken from the deck of our house.
Moose come in our yard to munch on our trees. This is a moma and baby.
This is down town Fairbanks. We didn't get a whole lot of snow that year. It might look like it tho the way it is piled up on the side walk. LOL Our first winter here in Fairbanks we did get lots of snow. Snow was piled up higher than my car. My kids made tunnels in the snow piles and would slid down the top and come out the bottom.
This is Brandon in ???? when he got a Karibo.
An in 97 he got a 54 or 56in spread Moose. Nice one.
Jack and his moose.
58 inch spread 10 point antlers.
He got it at Eagle Summit in 98.
He got the King salmon in the Gulkana River.