Welcome to the web page of the greatest horse-drawn carriage drivers on Planet Earth. That's right Memphis has the best that there ever was or ever will be. Other cities may think they have better, but that's just crazy talk. We've got the best area to tour around. We have knowledgable drivers who can answer any question about Downtown Memphis or make one up if they don't actually know it. | |
On our tours you will go through one of the oldest parks in Memphis, Court Square. In the square stands Hebe Fountain, one of the mist beautiful in the area. You will also go down the Main Street Mall along the trolley tracks. Another park that is featured on the tour is Confederate Park. It sits atop the Bluff overlooking the Mississippi River. | |
This web site is being designed as my Total Waste of Time Project. I don't drive a carriage anymore and no one is paying to do this. I live in Nashville now and run an Internet radio station called Forked Deer Radio. Anyway I wanted to design a website that would showcase one of the unique aspects of Downtown Memphis. So feel free to look around and enjoy. |
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E-mail: fedexguy1@msn.com
Copyright © 2001-2008 by Philip Todd. All rights reserved.