
Carol's Corner

Hi, this is Carol Hockaday here.
This is my little corner of the website.
I have ministered several years via the internet in segments I like to call 'Sharing The Word.'
Today I wanted to touch on "man's need to be saved".
So many times when you try to witness to someone about salvation and The Blood of Jesus,
their response is "I'm a good person...
I've never hurt anyone....
I give to those in need...
why do I have need of a Saviour?".
These, to be honest with you, can be some of the hardest to reach for Christ.
It's hard for some to realize that no matter what their station in life,
that without Christ in their lives, they are needy, and they are destitute.
We must remember and point out that man is 'born in sin'.
We arn't born perfect..and then at some point and time sin.
Man is born a sinner due to the presence of the sin nature.
The Word of God states in Romans 3:23
"For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God".
Not just those who have commited crimes...
not just those who don't go to church...
not just those the world looks down on....
not just those the church looks down on....
So...whoever we are...wherever we are....WE ALL HAVE THE NEED TO BE SAVED!!
Jesus knows us each one...all our weaknesses, all our faults, all our secrets....and yet He Loves Us.
He came and lived and died for us...shed His Blood that we could be washed and come into the Presence of God.
I have often heard this statement...
'Only God can take a Black Heart, wash it with Red Blood, and cleanse it White as Snow.'
Food For Thought:
When you are washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ...and God looks at you...He sees red!
If you dont know Jesus as Lord and Saviour of your life,
pray this prayer with me and mean it with all your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus, I realize that I'm a sinner. I accept the fact that You died for me on the Cross.
I open my heart's door and receive you as Saviour and Lord of my life.
Take full control of me and help me be the Christian that You want me to be,

If you prayed this prayer, and meant it with all your heart, you are now Washed In The Blood of The Lamb!
Praise God!

Email me and share your salvation experience with me.
If anyone has a prayer request you would like us to help you pray about
just email me at
and put in the subject line "prayer request".

Anchor your faith in the Cross,

Sister Carol Hockaday
