*Dee Dee*'s Homepage!

Welcome to my Homepage! I guess I'll start by telling you
a little about myself. I am 36 years old. I live in Rhode
Island where I have always lived. I have a Beautiful
daughter named Shanya, who is at the wonderful age of 18
YEARS).I am recently single. Something I might like *wink*….
now no one can get mad at HOW MANY hours I spend in front of
this WONDERFUL invention called THE COMPUTER!!! Hehe
Where I have to say I do spend WAYYYYYY too much time on
*LOL*. I work as a Secretary/Customer Service "kinda
everything person" at a small cleaning supply and design
consultant company.

However I do have to admit that these HOURS I have spent
chatting on the computer has been VERY VERY FUN.. I have
learned sooooo much from all my FRIENDS… I never thought I
would be an "ADDICT" which I confess I AM *GRIN* but damm
how can you NOT be with all you WONDERFUL people out there.
*hehehe The internet is a wonderful and POWERFUL thing.. it
can bring you fun and also sadness as we all lost touch with
some great friends that move on or are too busy to chat. SO i have decided to put together a webpage. Learn some new skills and possibly make a nice "PAGE" to share with all of my friends.

Well its been one month and WOW, am I Hooked! *Giggles* I do have to say, I think I surprised myself. Since, before I started I had no clue to what I wanted on my page, or how to do one for that matter. *G* With the help of my friends and many hours of work, i have to say I am proud of my page. *S* Lots more to come too, I am working on it daily. *S* I hope you enjoy it. Be sure to stop back as my page grows. My newest additions are a few pages of "avators' that I used during many hours of chatting.

I also want to thank all the wonderful people who make the graphic sets for all of us to use. Since my pages wouldn't be so pretty if it wasn't for all their talents - THANKS! Be sure to check out my "poem pages" lots of great poetry. If anyone sees anything that is copywritten, please let me know and i will remove it.






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