Hi! I'm Cindy ...

I am 41 years old (02-03-60), 6' tall, Blue eyes, Brown hair, and Rubenesque in build. I am newly married but still seeking friends and happy people. I met a lot of good men online ... many are still my friends ... one is now my hubby! I used to use this page to introduce myself to people I met online ... now it isn't really necessary, but I hate to dump it ... so keeping it here, just in case someone cares to read it.

More about me ...

I was born In Northern Illinois and grew up on a 1,000 acre family farm. My family is the oldest Aberdeen Angus breeders in the United States. Woodlawn Farms ... Black Angus Cattle ... Creston, IL .... My history. Sadly, the family is at odds right now and my son will never know the freedom and the joy of growing up on family owned land. Sad how families can hurt each other so.
I am the eldest of 4 children, each of us one year apart... ME-1960 ... LORI-1961 ... MIKE-1962 ... DAVID 1963-1994. I remember summers of barefoot bliss ... freedom to roam miles on our own property ... a sense of security that a 100 year old family farm can supply. We attended a tiny elementary school K-8, then went to Rochelle Township High School where we were joined by graduates from several other rural elementary schools. Upon graduation from RTHS, I attended Monmouth College in Monmouth, IL where I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Mathematics. I then went to Texas A&M University to work on my Master's in Mathematics. I did not acheive that goal ... fell in love with the wrong sort of man ... and in order to get away from him, I took a job teaching 6th grade Math in Andrews, TX. Good place to hide! I married in 1986 and moved to Hillsboro, TX (a most God-forsaken place, in my opinion). Gave birth to Robbie in 1989, divorced in 1993, remarried in 1994, moved to Lewisville, TX, divorced in 1997 ... and here I am ... (Pics from Spring '99)

And here is a more recent pic of Me ... June 2000 which is a totally unretouched digital real-life pic of the true me ... sunburn and all! I know ... I need to get it sized properly and framed and all that stuff. I will sometime!

That is a rough sketch of my history. I may expound on some things sometime. The family battle is especially touchy to me ... but this is a good place to air my feelings some day. Roughly ... my father (a.k.a. Mufasa) passed away in his sleep in October 1993 ... my baby brother (a.k.a. Simba) died four months later of Malignant Melanoma at the age of 30. He and my father were the Heart and the Soul of the family farm. When they died, my Uncle (a.k.a. SCAR) took over the farm and removed my mother from her home of 35 years, and also removed my brother's widow and 2 little children from their home on the farm. My Grandmother, who is 92 and lives in the huge house on the main farm, let this all happen. (No LION KING counterpart for her). The Pridelands are under the control of SCAR and his hyenas ... not a pretty sight. More later ...

One CyberFriend sent me these thoughts ... and they really struck a chord with me ...


After awhile you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul.
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't mean security.
And you learn that kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises.
And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and your eyes open,
With the Grace of a Woman, not the Grief of a Child.
You learn to build all your roads on today
Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,
And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After awhile you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.
So you plant your garden and decorate your own soul,
Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure ...
That you really have worth.
And you learn and learn ...
With every "Goodbye" you learn.

When Ren came over to take pics of my pets, he took this Pic of Me His camera was in Solar mode, I believe. It is different and I really like it! Thought I would share it with you!

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© 1999 cincin21@yahoo.com