About Me

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I am free thinker, just about everything I do, believe it or not resolves around one thing; To envelope the media in any shape or form. I love media, whether its news, sports, musics, music videos, animes or movies (Except documentaries - I do like war documentaries though ^.^). You can find me probably on a quite a few Peer-to-Peer file sharing communities, either Musiccity's Morpheus and Kazaa community, also WinMX community, not only that but there are also DALNET and UNDERNET communities as well. Wait thats not even the tip of the iceberg, I'm also on Direct Connects (Basically centralized HUBS for Peer2Peer), there are also tons of FTP Search software, FTP Search engines, Newsgroups and so on and so forth.

Why and How did I come across all those different Peer Topologies? It all started during the Napster.com explosion, well thats not entirely true ... The history of Peer2Peer started with Scour, like many at the time, there wasn't a whole lot of resources from which to get MP3s (Mpeg-3 which remains the most popular media format to this day!). So without the resources, one had to do it the hard way, which is to say, you had to scour the Internet looking for FTP servers that hosted certain artists, and if you were especially unlucky, it'll be a artists without a large fan base. That is until Scour known early on as Scour media agent, combined the resources of all ftp and client computers of each member into a centralized server (Think IRC but less sophisticated.), another contributor to the early days of file sharing and peer2peer was Mufasa named of course after Lion King. ;) Then Napster came into the picture, eventually taking the majority of mp3 fan base because they coded software and centralized a site that was far easier and more GUI (Graphical user interface) friendly.

Napsters popularity with a fanbase of over 6 million users caught the national attention of the media and record conglomerates from all over the world.

That is when the boom and controversy of file-sharing took hold. Music Industries felt threatened by this new technology, which was still in it's infancy. Courts had to interpret new parameters about copyrights, they couldn't decide how to deal or rule on this new form of media (Internet). Was there copyright infringements here, did the Music Industry have a case? Those were some questions that faced not only the courts, but the record labels as well. The News media was tracking this important landmark case almost everyday, publishing at least 3 different articles related to Napster Trials in each daily section.

The delivery of content(s) will be subject to questioning to this day! Courts will have to scratch their collective heads and ammend their own rulings in future cases.

The landmark decision eventually ruled in favor of the Record Labels, but that wasn't the end of that story its still in courts and new decentralized servers using the Napster model are popping up constantly. If anything the Record Labels won the right to state their property is their property but they couldn't stop the voices of MP3 fans worldwide. The voices of millions embraced this new technology. This new technology and new file delivery system spread like wildfire and nobody could stop it.

On paper thats what happened, in official court documents thats what happened, but I'm telling you how it went down. See thats all a part of me and a part of power-users like me.

I am a media magnet, where-ever new mediums may be, I will be there. Some call us "Techno-junkies", "Digital-ranchers" or "Cyber-cowboys", doesn't matter, our missives are always the same, we cannot get enough media. Thats how I came to be interested in Computer Networks, because of the popularity of the Internet, well it was just natural that I got into this form of media. It was like finding a mine shaft full of diamonds, It was rich in information because it was a "gathering" place. People from all over the world could share information, music, ideas, stories, codes, programs and on and on.

The reason I carry on so, I love this medium, no other place allows me such freedom to express my ideas and dreams, to reach so many others, either like me or different from me. This is a digital planet and I came to be one of its digital warriors. The idea of course is of an romanticism period, however it does hold true to describe how and why I came to be. My other interest intersect into this digital fabric called the "Internet" My other interest is reading and writing. Never did I ever imagine reading so much of... well... everything and never did I imagine writing so much of... everything and having people from all over the world actually embracing what I have to write and say.

Off the record, Napster did not lose in the courts as the news reported. They won in the hearts of "netizens" like me. We Cyber-cowboys, Digital-ranchers, we Techno-junkies will always remember the frontier of the new digital world as we see it, no this is not the Internet manifesto but this is "ABOUT ME." ^_^

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