My Games

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These are some the games that I've played, that I recommend would be fun, however it isn't necessarily so that you would like the same games I would like, then again maybe you will. In this age of online games, the fun factor is really the community created from them. Thats what I came to value the most about these games, it was the comradery from within its code base. People you meet online whether they suck @ games or not, it was fun to meet them. ^.^

This image provided by Blizzard Entertainment. Subject to all copyright material and licenses. Blah Blah Blah!

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Diablo II
The skinny about this game

Based from the original title, the more primitive and darker aspect of Diablo I. I was disappointed that they lightened the spook factor when they coded Diablo II. The original was far more spookier and darker in design. Think of Diablo II as the answer for AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons). Multiplayer capabilities supports P2P, LAN, or on its own "free" multiplayer server dubbed "Bnet." The currency is a unique ring dubbed "SOJ" which can confuse players that usually deal with gold standard. In addition, there are trading posts for items to be exchanged between players. I suggest it to a certain degree... beware it can be addictive and consume great deal of your time.

Overall Rating: B+

This image provided by Sierra Games Inc. Subject to all copyright material and licenses. Blah Blah Blah!

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A.R.C. (Attack! Retrieve! Capture!)
The skinny about this game

This game is interesting because its in the strategy genre, however not the true strategy game. Its multiplayer shoot'em with the principal idea of capturing the opponents' flag to win. The ship you command has one primary weapon which is a laser with multi-tracking capabilities and three special weapons the bouncie (shot bounces off walls), missile and cluster bomb; All three provide heavy damage over the norm. The community is strong, there are a variety of maps. Its features an option to run your own game server using a map you created or a pre-existing one.

Overall Rating: C+

This image provided by Gravity Corp. Subject to all copyright material and licenses. Blah Blah Blah!

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RO (Ragnarok Online)
The skinny about this game

If you are a fan of anime and a fan of RPG (role playing games) you'll love this game for being based on a fantasy anime world. Its plays well, the strength of this game is its community. Like Diablo II and AD&D you can acquire weapons of mass destruction, magic items, armor, potions and gold. The currency standard here is as you would expect, the gold standard (except their currency is ZEN). There are nice features which allow your character to change careers such as being a merchant, swordsman, mage and so on. The different worlds (7 currently are vast to explore) and difficult to reach. The negative on this game is that it has no PVP (Player vs Player) mode, only PVM (Player vs Monster). The only problem with this game is that its still in beta version and has been for awhile. Until the final release is out, its not going to score very high.

Overall Rating: B-

This image provided by Subject to all copyright material and licenses. Blah Blah Blah!

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SST (Starshiptraders)
The skinny about this game

This is a strategy game born from the old telnet project of games, its entirely text based, I did hear they are working on a GUI version. You pilot vessels, trade within galaxies the three main elements of gas, alcohol and hardware, you build starbases and form alliances with other players, your goal is to travel to the most mineral rich galaxies and obtain the most resources within a scheduled time. There are over thousand different galaxies each with its own supplies and planets you can land on and fortify with starbases, but watch out for the Black Holes they take you to different galaxy sectors. Other features include but not limited to -- gambling, upgrading ship hulls, weapons, shields, equipping your ship with rocket boosters and so on. The real selling point of this game is that if you don't mind the lack of GUI, then you'll appreciate a game without lag (finally!) Otherwise this game may not be for you. Again this game is in the strategy genre for good reason and you may come to appreciate it within time. Did I mention it's free. :-)

Overall Rating: B+

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