What's new for COR
What's new for COR?

Entry: March 19, 1999 5:49pm

Currently I am considering implementing a message board, and also planning on constantly being more active on my homepage, meaning that I plan on more updates and more additions to my homepage. Pictures of myself are also in the works. :) And a more elaborate profile of myself as well. The two projects I really want to launch is to profile a friend of the week and also master painter or master writer of the week, and I would like submissions to feature other poets, writers and artists, any submissions can be sent to moggwogg@hotmail.com, I am also contemplating reintroducing the Four Horsemens page, Neverending story page, Titanic History Page and Les Miserables page...of course this what's new page will be constantly updated.;) As always these pages are in constant under construction phase... And most importantly, I wouldn't go on making promises I couldn't keep, so I never promised anything *L* Ack! O: That is all for now... end transmission.

Entry: April 9th, 1999 5:49pm

Just finished up the Expansion page where a link to all the new ideal pages I have listed above will be placed, and I have just finished my personal profile page, check it out by clicking here! I will be adding more pictures of myself soon, because the only picture I have posted is not very recent, I'm more of a troll now *J/K* :) I am considering adding a comprehensive listing of writers, painters, movie stars, and feature their works, just a consideration, not a promise. Ack! hehe... Okay I've done enough work on my homepage, now I'm going to get a beer. Nah! Nah! hehe ;)

Entry: April 19th, 1999 5:49pm

'Fraid not the very best news, after staying awake for 22 consecutive hours and having a spiritual epoch at the Hollywood Graveyard and spending most of the weekend on a nighttime rendezvous with a Japanese bartender girl, I've just found out on technicality they erased Donielle's "Donielle versus the Wolf" page, but as a tribute to Donielle I will not erase any links that say Donielle but go to another person's webpage, its just my tribute to her, so she'll always be remember somehow, on brighter note, I just finished the Four Horsemen's Archives pages, so you can be witness and experience second hand what my first year and a half was like on the web... You're bound to be amused... Until next time... Ciao! :)

Entry: April 23rd, 1999 5:49pm

Aside from straightening out my finances, debt consolidation, deferrments, paying my taxes, wondering if I've ever have enough dinero to get a new PC, and then having my hopes dashed by discovering that I didn't win the writing contest, I'd have to say I'm feeling pretty good about everything; Okay if that sounded like I'm being sarcastic, I'm really not, because once I get my finances in order, and continue to fine tune my writing, I'll be able to focus on other interests, and definitely make this page more refreshing and intuitive, I hope you bear with me as both my writing style and the content pages will go through gradial metamorphysis, and what's coming up will astound you.... or divert your attention for awhile... ;) Okay I'm signing off now... Have fun and stay within yourself always...

Entry: April 26th, 1999 7:09pm

I got honorable mention and a certificate for the writing contest.... oh whoopie! hehe... What the heck iz dat? Honorably mentioned... pathetic goat lovin, fester wearing sack of barley!!! hehe sorry I'm just on that rather redeeming kick! Ok I've started to get into financial rehab through a debt consolidation program, if I'm accepted... then I'm on my own to personal freedom... whoohoo... I'm not getting too excited... but its starting to show in my work, because now I've finished up the Les Miserable image gallery and reading room, and in addition I went indepth to bring you information about Acrophobia... a game thats more than just a game... check it out here... I've also begun to discover I have enough webspace for the neverending story and the other projects I've been conceiving... so all in all it looks like I'm back in the swing of things... and man-o-man do I still feel like I need beer... hehe... oh well somethings never change. ;) Till next time, I'll keep you informed of the haps, you just have to come back to read about it... later gators! COR! Oh one last thing, did you see the new design, I know it looks cheesy, but drop me a line anyway if you have any comments, moggwogg@hotmail.com Ok as I said I said.... Ciao gators! COR!

Entry: August 31st, 1999 8:15pm

Hello its been a long time since I came back but I have my reasons, basically I was entwined in the day to day grind of work and it got in the way of what I was trying to accomplish here, and the work eventually drained the life out of me so I thought it was time for a change of venue... Therefore I am happy to report that I wised up and now I'm a unemployed slob whose happier than ever... but fear not my conscientious observers, I am also looking for a new job and I will definitely keep you posted... along my journey I will bring you so information about any interesting things I encounter along the way.... Such as this employment ad I came across in working world magazine... ;)

Lead Teacher
Infant program @ 9.24-13.86/Hour DOE

Responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating classroom programs in compliance with departmental procedures and regulatory agencies. Must enjoy working with children; be flexible/creative and able to foster team work in the program. Must be able to life and carry children, move equipment, reach, bend, climb, and sit on the floor. Other duties as assigned. HS diploma plus 12 semester unites of early childhood education--coursework needs to include 3 units of Infant Studies. Infant/Child CPR preferred. Fingerprint card req'd upon hire.

I dunno what you think of this ad, but I was looking at the bend, climb and sit on the floor description and thought what they needed was a monkey... hehe...

That's all for now... ciao for now! =)

Bonus Entry: August 31st, 1999 9:57pm

Hey I'm back, just wanted to let you know that my Winnie the Pooh page is up and running and I also corrected the mistakes that were made on the Warner Brothers page, so lemme know what you think you can drop me a line at my usual email which is moggwogg@hotmail.com and if you have any idea of other things you'd like me to hook up for you lemme know... Ok that's it see ya when I see ya. ;)

Entry: September 3rd, 1999 4:44pm

I remembered a long time ago when my mother used to put me over her lap and smile at me, when she used to give me a hug when I felt sad or make me some milk when I couldn't sleep. I remember my mother the sainted lady that she was, would always work long hours into the night in a sewing shop and how she would patch up my clothes often as I had gotten them ripped, torn asunder or turned them into swiss cheese... She died of breast cancer when I was 12 years old and to this day I am reminded of how she put four kids (myself the youngest and my three sisters) to school... As I go on through life I kept revisiting my past and the place where she was buried "Forest Lawn" and for whatever reason I stopped going there... then came one of my most emotional returns to the place I kept in the back of mind... but this time for a different reason. This time I came back to find work there, and you know its a humbling experience to know the place where you remember visiting as a kid to returning as an adult... Its very humbling and what I have to say is that if I do end up working there, I know that I'll have found some way to finally come to terms with this.... but no matter, I will always remember my mom a super lady, she will always go on and on, always in my heart. :)

Entry: September 9th, 1999 7:44pm

Okay I'm back, just added 5 new mp3(s) to my MP3z page, but I wont be the one to blow the surprise, so I'll let you find out which ones. ;) Here is a link in case you might get lost MP3z Baby! =) and I've also finished my Painter of the Month page, trust me its pretty cool, but I've still got some work to do still you see, none of you visitors offered me your poetry or your FanFic's and also nobody offered me friendship =(, hehe that's okay I realize you might be shy, but I'll wait... In the meantime I've got plans to wrap up my Kiddie Zone with the finale of the Bones page, which I'll probably get done today I'll keep you informed.... Boy have I been busy, this and job searching.... Wish me luck. =) Ciao till then.

Entry: September 9th, 1999 8:31pm

Do I keep my promises or what? The Kiddie Zone is now complete and will be routinely check and updated for personal enjoyment... Because every adult is a kid @heart and every kid is just wanting to have a little fun now and then.... So have some fun with it... the URL is http://members.tripod.com/~Occult_Matrix/page5.html enjoy, and in the meantime I've gotta get my RL back on track so I'll see you in a little bit... Ciao for now!!!!

Entry: December 13th, 1999 7:07pm

Hello again! Whats it been like 2 months since I been gone, anyways you might have noticed a few changes and also me ranting and raving and cussing out Tripod. Rightly deservedly so! They pulled the plug on me because I didn't keep it updated... apparently they figured I had no life outside of fixing up my homepage... If that is the case they are out of their minds! Anyways I digress, everything is coming along nicely, I got a job as a part time computer technician and also currently enrolled in a program to get a AA degree in Network Technology and also BA in Information Technology... So I've been real busy but I do have some good news, I did write new poems along the way and I'll exhibit those soon enough, in the meantime you'll have to bear with me while I make transitions from editting homepages and my RL... Anyways countdown to the millenium and Happy Holidays everyone... I hope I really hope that we have water and power in the new millenium... Is that too much to ask? ;) Happy Holidays everyone!!!!

Entry: January 31st, 2000 16:19pm

I hope everyone enjoyed the new year, in case you haven't noticed some changes I'll be glad to point them out for you, first the Top 50 Hollywood Celebrity Icons is being rennovated as the Top 50 Headliners by Years, so far 1999 is the new list and the link is here,there is a new design and everything so I'm sure you'll find it refreshing. :) Also implemented is my blacklist of infamous eCompanies and here is the early schematics for that one, located here. I'll be adding to that list and another list for the goody goody 2shoes. My background image on this whats new with COR was getting a bit annoying so as you see no more background. :) Finally the Artist of the Month pages have a new outlook and better navigation so check it out here. Also as a reminder for myself, since this what is new with COR entries is getting very long, I'll starting chopping them into two pages or more. So stay tooned for more updates and as always carpe diem! ;)

Entry: February, 2nd, 2000 18:14pm

Dating back to 1999 I had a very rough relationship with Tripod, it started because once Lycos merged with Tripod, Lycos Corp., change their free webspace policy and it was not only irrational but very inconveniencing for its members. I lost mp3 page and files because of their new policy, but now that I had time to simmer and stew a little bit, I regained my composure. I am happy to say that I reclaimed my lost pages, first Thee Four Horsemens Archives and second Acrophobia Information Site. And thats not all, because of Tripod/Lycos imperialistic policies, I've become motivated to reclaim My lost Titanic History Pages and also from the movie, pictures of Jack and Rose. There is also the issue of the incomplete poetry pages and frameless start page and I've pretty much address the issue of poetry pages, but I'll see how much time I can free up to redesign the start page and among other things. So yeah lots going on and glad you could join me during this fun ride thru Commander of Ridderick Land. Oh one final note, I should have the Neverending Story pages brought back as well, lets see how much time I get to do that.

Entry: February 16th, 2000 16:10pm

You know its not that I thought the site needed a major overhaul, but that I needed a major overhaul, y'know what I mean? Anyways if you haven't noticed, the artist of the month pages are all up to date and updated, as you can see links were added for researchers like me to follow up with later down the road and the navigation more improved. I have several new poems to post, but I do have a certain job finding task to complete so if you don't mind.... Vroom... Till next time! ;)

Entry: March 16th, 2000 16:10pm

Hello web fanatics, I'll make this brief. I have been concentrating on my painters pages, and I plan on adding works by John Hoppner "Charlotte Papendiek as a child" and also works by Domenico Antonio Vaccaro, the sculpture entitled "Saint Michael casting Lucifer into Hell" Anyways I did say brief so back to your regularly scheduled programming. :)

Entry: April 22nd, 2000 8:46am

This is the Commander of Ridderick back @ the helm, and its great to be back! Happy Easter, Passover and Good Friday everybody! I'm writing because I am conceiving the thought of creating writer of the month and poet of the month pages, because my artist of the month pages seem to be going so well. :) I hope you have the very best holiday with you and yours. I have plans of endulgery, with a bottle of spirit. Till then, may you always have a poem in your heart and an artistic outlook on life. :)

Entry: May 10th, 2001 3:30pm

Hello again, COR back to report all is well in COR land. I've been working in the past year as a network technician, learning many different aspects of what it takes to keep a healthy network... um... well healthy... I have been trying without success to finish my 2001 collection, but I'll get around to it as I'm almost to the point where I can afford my new system, I'll have more news as they become available... Talk to you again sometime. ^_^

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