The one with the bright colors on, the one with the voice to make the crowd rise to their feet on every occasion, the hypest one of the crew, the one that came to party. These are just a few phrases that are commonly used to describe the infamous “32”.
Many of us in the Go-Go Community are quick to form opinions of others that hold no weight. It is unfortunate that some people do not exercise thought before they exercise the muscles in their mouths that allow them to speak. It is with great appreciation and admiration that I bring you this conversation straight from the horses mouth……
I invite you to “breathe” in the conversation, and formulate your thoughts accordingly.
AAH: “First off, where have you been?”
32: As far as work, the same
for play…RE 2000 (Rare Essence)
AAH: How are you doing and what have
you been doing lately?
32: I have been doing better,
got a double raise at my job. The phone has been ringing off
the hook for offers by other bands. I have completed one project for
RE’s new album titled,
RE 2000 on a cut called Hood Rats.
AAH: Is Go-Go still important to
32: YES.
AAH: During those nights you had
to perform, what would be your ultimate high?
32: The ultimate high for me was
entertaining the fans and seeing them come out every
night in all types of weather!
AAH: What are some of your thoughts
on today’s Go-Go and the rout it is taking?
32: I think Go-Go is doing good,
but Go-Go can only go as far as the mature lead talker
takes them.
AAH: What about the women in Go-Go’s?
What are your thoughts on that?
32: I don’t see anything wrong with
women going to Go-Go’s. A woman should be treated
like she treats herself.
AAH: What would you like people to
know out there, since you have been missing from the
Go-Go scene?
32: I’m not the type to worry about
what people have to say about me negatively. For the
positive people that are concerned about “32”, I plan to get back into
Go-Go in the near
future and I am 2000 percent sure that it won't be with NorthEast.
AAH: If we never see you again on
the Go-Go tip as the bandmember known as “32”, how
would you want to be remembered?
32: As the most entertaining, middle
mike rapper that always gave 1005 every night
regardless of the flu, strep throat, two broken legs, a fractured thumb,
etc. I’m just the
type that if I gave my word then it was a done deal.
AAH: What would you like to say to
all your fans from the NE shows?
32: Nothing.
AAH: What’s your favorite “groove”
that is by a band other than NE?
32: When RE hits Hood Rats and Body
AAH: How did you get started in Go-Go?
32: I remember JY came out with
the Cavalier commercial and at that time one of the
players lived two buildings down from me. Everytime he would get picked
up for practice, I
would ask the manager could I play. Finally one day he gave me a shot,
and here I am.
AAH: You began with JY and ended
with NE, which band did you honestly have the
most fun with?
32: I would say NorthEast, because
being with them 9 years of my adult life, helped me to
realize who your real friends are.
AAH: Will you keep the name “32”.
32: That’s my name for life.
Special Thanks to “32” from AAH!
We wish you the best in all you want to accomplish.
Super thanks to INDIA for your contributions!!!!!!
1999 TMOTTGoGo Magazine