
The functions of the KVIC are generally to plan, promote, organise and assist in implementation of programmes for the development of Khadi and Village Industries. To achieve this, it undertakes

  1. financing of eligible agencies,

  2. training of persons employed or desirous of seeking employment in Khadi and Village Industries, supervisors and other functionaries,

  3. building reserve of raw materials and implements and supplying them at such rates as may be decided;

  4. R & D in Khadi and Village Industries Sector,

  5. promotion of sale and marketing of Khadi and Village Industries products,

  6. promotion and encouragement of cooperative efforts among the persons engaged in Khadi and Village Industries etc.

Introduction  |  Home Page  |  Growth of KVI Sector  |  Definition of VI     
VI under KVIC
  |  Financial Assistance | Distinguishing Features | Training
Research & Development
| UNDP Assistance | High Power Committee
New initiatives under REGP
| Current Status