In the End

Downward spirals, Straight to hell. I'm damned. I'm condemned. Car wrecks, Screams etched in stone. She's dead. No chance to save her. How do I tell The one she loved? I never thought I'd see that man cry. Or does he need to know? Can I hide it And lock it away, Absent of emotion. It rips me apart And devours my insides, Until I am But a mere entity. And my friends, Do I tell them? The only witness to a crime I can never remember. As I try to forget, It flashes back, Faintly, And then in full recall. Nightmares ever avenging, Fires always buring, Until every dying ember Dies out. And the fire is extinct And unuseful to emotion, The toy, the string At which Satan plucks. The harp of the heart Is but fond memories, And foul ones, Playing repeatedly. And every string Seems struck in unison So the flood of feelings Washes over me. And in the end, Some live and others die, And we are a mere rememberance To those who knew us.