Donalee's Roost

My life story (Boring!!!)

At this point I will attempt to give you a brief autobiography:

Born in Corona, California in 1956 (my father was career Navy) and I was partially raised in different cities in the Golden State. We moved constantly (as most military familes do) living in Kodiak AK and surviving a 9.2 earthquake, Norfolk VA and various other Navy bases in this beautiful country but with the majority being in California.

I still consider my home town as Alexandria, Louisiana though. My mother's family is from that area so when my father finally retired in 1969 that is where we tried to put roots. Got married to Curtis, joined the Navy at the ripe old age of 19 and began my very short military career. However, the Navy wasn't quite ready for a female jet engine mechanic that was serious about her job (it was the 70's after all) so I got out early with an Honorable Discharge (Curtis and I divorced after only 2 years) and decided to see the world on my own.

I married a seabee, Bruce shortly afterwards and I started the military-gypsy life again. We lived in Norfolk VA, Gulfport MS, Pensacola FL and Sasebo Japan. The marriage ended (lasted 6 years this time) and I found myself back in Louisiana but this time in New Orleans (my mom had relocated). I met 'Tiny', we got married, moved to Goodman, MS, moved back to New Orleans and got divorced. (9 years...phoof)

Due to my upbringing, genetic code, conditioning, I don't know what, I just can't seem to stay any place longer than two years. Maybe I was a gypsy in a former life? I have tried to stay put but the longest I ever stayed in any area was 5 years in Alexandria, LA and 5 years in Goodman, MS, where I had a chance to go to college and discover I have a slight talent for computers. I am not into programming but I like desktop publishing.

After Goodman, it was back to New Orleans for a couple of years but then headed back to Norfolk VA where I learned the locksmithing trade and started a very small desktop publishing business. I am proud to say I have a knack for opening vehicles without using a key or breaking the glass. (No, I do not use a 'Slim Jim', there are special tools and techniques that are used.)

In my 25 plus years of employment I have had many jobs, just to name a 'few'; cashier, bartender, jet engine mechanic, child care, medical office manager, manager of a pizza store and video store, substitute teacher K-12 (I like to live dangerously), Quality Control for a auto harness manufacturer, Hiker (driver) and lot attendant for a rental car chain (I can drive just about anything that has wheels), desktop publisher, and of course my favorite; locksmith. If I ever grow up I want to be a race car driver. I have owned a detailing company that provided a clear acrylic teflon finish to just about anything: auto, boats, RV's, bathtubs, tricycles (if it was painted we could detail it), a commercial floor cleaning company that specialized in grocery store floors (folks, please bag your meat purchases before you put them in the cart). As far as my desktop publishing business, I was too picky about my work. I just couldn't release a job until it was perfect and that was never!! For a while I had a job with a very large retail chain in the Men's wear dept. Aaagggghhhh!!!!! Not as many headaches as owning your own business but I sure hated folding and hanging clothes!!

From March 2000 until February 2001, I was working as a full time locksmith on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. (Unfortunately, for a company that didn't appreciate it's customers or employees. They are no longer in business, I might add.)

It was great doing something that I enjoyed so much. I must thank my 'brother', Bruce for everything he taught me. Even more so, I must thank him for the opportunity to find out that I do have a special talent and how to use it. My job provides me with daily challenges, a sense of accomplishement and the knowledge that I have helped someone along the way.

QUESTION...What do you have when a someone has lost the keys to their car?

ANSWER...A customer with a large paperweight.

ANOTHER QUESTION...What do you have when you have the knowledge and ability to make a key that will start that car?

ANSWER...A warm fuzzy feeling all over when that key starts that engine or opens that door and the customer smiles at you and says, "Your the greatest!"


I have many interests and hobbies. My musical taste runs from oldies (50's to 70's,) Country to Japanese Classical. Not too thrilled about Rap or Jazz (please understand not everybody from Louisiana loves Jazz). I love Star Trek (the original series), The Next Generation and watching movies especially Star Trek movies. I spend way too much time playing computer games such as Mah Jongg, Backgammon, CD Rom games such as SIMCITY2000,3000 and now Sim 4 Deluxe, Titanic - Adventure Out Of Time, 7th Guest and a few others. I have always liked working on cars and fixing things. Sometimes I don't know how it can still work when I have extra bolts and wires left over. I like camping, fishing, boating, sight-seeing, surfin' the 'net and gardening (flowers and vegetables).

I also like to landscape and arrange things such as trees and rocks to make a peacefull setting to enjoy the quiet times. It must be the Japanese influence I received while living there. Just recently I have discovered the fun of making indoor/table top water fountains. One of my passions is cooking. My specialties are anything that can be made in a Dutch Oven. Cast iron cookware rules, aluminum drools!

Most of my family is in Louisiana. My nephew, Noah is all grown up. He is the light of my life (6ft 1, handsome, talented, smart, and very kind, (sorry girls, he already has a very sweet fiance). He is majoring in music, going to college full time in Arlington, TX and also working full time. He is an avid bowler and we enjoy a friendly challenge whenever we can get together. Of course, he usually beats me but we have a great time. Noah and Erin are getting married June of 2004 in New Orleans.

February, 2001 moved back to the New Orleans area. Found a position with a local locksmith company and now I am getting used to 'life in the big city again'.

February 2002, a year since I last updated this mess and there is not much new to add. I found a place to live very close to work. Being single in a big city is not as much fun as they portray on TV. The rules have changed since I was a teenager and no one has bothered to give me a handbook. Don't think I am feeling sorry for myself, I would rather be single than in a relationship that was based on anything but trust and honesty. Just treating this little bit of cyberspace that I have control over as my own little piece of self evaluation. Let's see: I am 45, divorced, no children, no pets and no man in my life. I work hard 40 hours a week and spend my weekends either alone or with my mom. I do have a few friends and enjoy being with them but it just isn't the same as having a 'significant other'. Ironic how my website is dedicated to those that have found love on the 'net and I can't count myself as one of them. They (whoever that is) say that you find love when you are not looking. Okay, I will shut my eyes and just pray. Maybe I have had all the love I will ever have in my life and just be destined to be alone until the bitter end. A friend told me the other day that she was used to living alone, I don't think I can. The Good Lord made us to walk through this life in pairs and living single just doesn't seem right. Anyway, as I said, not feeling sorry just maybe a little disappointed that at my age I am still searching for my co-walker. Maybe he will come along before we are too old to walk without assistance.

So many changes!! Moved back to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, October 2002. (Loved my job in New Orleans, my friends and the people I worked with but hated the traffic and crime.) Working as a subcontractor with some friends of mine as a locksmith (of course). After a while became part owner in this 'little venture'. Business is great but of course my love life really was the pits until...

June 2003. I met this really great guy! We hit it off right away and are very, very happy. He is kind of goofy, like me, so we make a matched pair. Van and I are planning to walk through the rest of our lives together. I can't wait for all my friends and family to meet him.

P.S. Found the handbook and just to let you know, PRAYER WORKS!!!!

November, 03...My mom, sister and stepdad have met Van. They like him. Of course!!

News flash...March 02, 2004. Donna has a new smile!!! Those that have met me face to face or those that have really taken a good look at the above picture probably noticed my huge teeth. Been a pain in my %#&*@ all my life. I have wanted them all gone since I was 16 and now they are. I have dentures and a nice normal smile. No more horse teeth. The dentist I went to see about a toothache (May of '03) told me that I was suffering from severe bone loss in the jaw area and that if I did not have all my teeth pulled now it would be too late to get dentures later as there wouldn't be any jaw bone left for them to sit on. To think that it wasn't just vanity all this time. He told me that I needed to have this done about 5 years ago. Too bad the dentist I had then didn't listen to me and take a closer look. She was just too interested in building up her bank account I guess.

ANYWAY!!! it is finally done, my gums are healing and I am happy. Can't wait to put a new picture up to show off my new smile!!!

August 29, 2005...tragedy hit the Gulf Coast - Hurricane Katrina. So many people, so much pain, so much gone, destroyed. We (Van & I) were blessed, only minor damage to our home (my stuff in a rented storage unit was pretty much destroyed). So many other people have lost everything. Home, car, work and there are those poor souls that perished. Please pray for them and their loved ones. Yes, New Orleans did get hit very hard but please don't forget the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Seems like the media has. We will rebuild, we will work hard and make it better than it was before (wish the casinos would leave forever). Some of the locksmith companies in this area really took a hard hit in one way or another, people leaving and not coming back, vehicles and/or buildings damaged or washed away. Right now we are just thankfull we are all okay. Very hard to maintain an upbeat attitude when all you see around you is detruction. Camille was a little wind and rain compared to this.

Van & I were married December 1, 2005. It was something we had been talking about since the storm. We are very, very happy and look forward to the rest of our lives together.

(Poor guy looks like he has just been roped and branded and I look like some goofy school girl posing for a prom picture. We were both so nervous it wasn't even funny. Both of us have had a couple of trips down the isle and maybe we were just a little gun-shy.

So how does this sound??? Donna Lee Morgan, Nichols, Burby, Lukas, Hall..... whooosh, that was a mouth full!!! With my company tied into my old last name of Lukas, I have decided that until I retire I will use Lukas-Hall. Unfortunately hyphens do not come across very well in the computer age and I usually end up being Donna Lukashall. I really don't care. I AM IN LOVE, LOVED & HAPPY!!!!!!

Aug 2007. Getting ready to 'retire' from the locksmith business the end of this month. I have enjoyed it so much but now it is time to slow down and enjoy the life I have found with Van. We met each other late in life and realize that we want to spend the rest of it just being together. Traveling and puttering around the house sounds like heaven. So much yard work that is still not done since'the storm' and I am just not as enegetic as I was at 20. Hopefully we will be able to travel around the country and maybe even a little outside of it. I am still working on the travel trailer and it is ready for evacuation should the need arise but I still have a bit more fine tuning to do before it hits the open road. Maybe by the end of the year........

By the way, the MS Gulf Coast is returning. Slowly, bit by bit and house by house you can see the progress. Kind of like watching a SIM CITY program (in very slow motion.) First they build the roads then they put in the utilities next come the houses or businesses. SO COOL!!!! (Did I just say that?) I am proud to be here.

...July 2008 is already here, wow!!! Okay, so it's been almost a year since I 'retired'. Ha, I am busier now than I was before. Working on the house, the yard and just keeping very busy with so much. I joined the Eastern Star in March 2008 and Van renewed his affiliation. I know Granny 'B' would be so happy. In her and Ms Ruth Spofford's honor I chose to be 'Ruth' as my first position. The traveling part of my retirement kind of got slammed with the price of gasoline going throught the roof, so Van and I will just stay here and enjoy our home. Maybe visit here and there a bit but otherwise that trailer we bought will probably just sit in the yard and be used for company. We are going to begin some serious remodelling on the house so we will have to camp in it for a couple of months. Company will have to bring a tent or their own RV. I'll keep you posted. Hey if you want to check out the remodel I did (still doing) on the trailer click here.

'One thing, I have been here for over five years. Hummmm.....

Didn't end up too brief did it? It is kind of hard to pack 50+ years on one page. My life has taken many roads, always changing. Please come back and visit me and I'll keep you posted.

My wonderful cousin sent some pics to me, taken at our family reunion in April '98. (It takes a while to load, sorry.)

Thanks Cla. You're the best!!

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