The Office


You enter a warmly sunlit room with dark walls and tapestries hanging in intricate glory all about. There are several tables covered with a chaotic creative mess of projects in process. One desk in front of the window has a large state of the art computer in front of it, with books on internet systems and software laid open next to it. A smattering of unopened bills, papers, letters, CD-Roms, and technical gadgets are skattered everywhere. In the center of the room is a fireplace, with a cauldron hanging over it, some frothy mixture of herbs and soup boiling within it. Your stomach rumbles.

Tables and counters are covered with cook books and magical texts, spells written on scraps of paper, recipes, drying herbs, vials and bottles and strange ground mixtures of spices or minerals near a pestal and mortar. The atmosphere is thick with mystery and hard concentrated work.

Peek behind a tapestry and be a little nosy

Return to the front door

Go out the glass french doors directly ahead of you