Pen & Ink from Shirley

Welcome to the new members on the list and the ones who have been here before and who continually look for my books. The list keeps growing and I’m glad to say more and more readers are coming onboard. Thank you. I appreciate it. It’s been a long while since I sent out a newsletter and we have a new year, so it’s time to update you on what’s going on.


1. Happy New Year

2. New Book - A FATHER’S FORTUNE - Mark Your Calendars!

3. The Clayton’s of Texas - a family series

4. Awards - Lorie & Affaire de Coeur

5. Special Edition Authors Web Site - LINK!

6. Calendar of Appearances - LINK!

7. Order Autographed Books - LINK!

8. Up Close & Personal

9. Permission to Forward


Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a wonderful beginning to 2003. Here in New Jersey it rained the entire day, but I spent it with friends and fellow writers at a wonderful gathering that is becoming a tradition. Many exciting things are happening and I expect 2003 will be a wonderful year. In one of the newsletters I get, there is an article on numerology. It says that 2003 is the year of change. I’ll add positive change and I’m embracing that change.

I didn’t make any resolutions this year. Many of them are the same as I’ve made in previous years. I’m lucky enough to say some of the things I resolved to do are happening. I have lost weight (35 pounds) with more to go. I’m holding my own by not losing anything over the holidays, but more important I didn’t gain anything either. My writing resolutions remain on the list and since I’m into recycling, the list is being reused for 2003.

A New Book - A FATHER’S FORTUNE - Mark Your Calendars!

It’s almost here. Mark your calendars! I can’t tell you how excited I am about my first Silhouette Special Edition. A FATHER’S FORTUNE goes on sale February 11th. I hope you’ll all get it right away. These books have a very short shelf life, about three weeks. Then they are gone forever. A FATHER’S FORTUNE is the story of a carpenter who doesn’t want to be around children, but reluctantly agrees to put on an addition to a nursery school. The sparks that fly between him and the school’s owner turn to electricity and passion cannot be denied. Remember the shelf life is short. Please get one as soon as possible. And Waldenbooks has a bestseller list for “series” books. If you buy it there, the book might make the list and that will help sell future books.

I’ve already received the February issue of Romantic Times. A FATHER’S FORTUNE has a 4 rating (out of 5) and the reviewer states "A FATHER’S FORTUNE is an emotionally stirring story about a man afraid to love and the woman and child who give him the courage to conquer his fears. Heart-tugging scenes involving the little girl will engage readers."

I have a beautiful cover for the book. Since I don’t send attachments to this list, if anyone would like to see the cover of A FATHER’S FORTUNE, go to my web page at or send me an e-mail at and I will forward you an attachment.

The Clayton’s of Texas - a family series

I’m busy working on the second book in this new family series. In A FATHER’S FORTUNE you’ll meet Digger Clayton. The next book is Brad’s story (he is the brother with the attitude in A FATHER’S FORTUNE). The title is tentative and since most titles change before the final book is released, I won’t give one here. The Clayton’s are a family of eclectic personalities and each one of them will get their own book. I’ve already worked out the third book in the series (Owen’s story) and if all goes according to plan, you’ll find a teaser chapter for Owen’s story in the back of Brad’s book. I’m glad to be working on a series. It’s something I’ve wanted to do and I’m happy to have the opportunity to do it with the Clayton’s. There’s even going to be a "flash" on the cover beginning with Brad’s story that says The Clayton’s.

Awards - Lorie & Affaire de Coeur

Most of you might know the story of MORE THAN GOLD, my October 2000 release from BET Books. It’s a suspense novel using the Olympics as a backdrop for a novel of intrigue and love. The amount of contests this book had placed in is huge. Fifteen at the last count, but it isn’t done yet. The Lorie Awards were just announced and MORE THAN GOLD took third place in the Suspense category. The award is given by the From the Heart Chapter of Romance Writers of America. I love this book. I love the hero and I am proud that it has done so well. If you haven’t read it, please do so. If you can’t find a copy you can get one through my web page. See below for details.

In the last newsletter I had been nominated for three awards in the Affaire de Coeur Readers Poll. I was selected as one of the Top Ten Favorite Authors and an Outstanding Achiever for 2002. Since it is a readers pool and the readers vote for the winners, I am thrilled to be included in the Top Ten and be considered an outstanding achiever.

Special Edition Author’s Web Site - LINK!

Last year when I sold to Silhouette I was invited to join a listserv of authors who write for the line. We have a website at It’s being revamped and will be launched anew on January 13th. Check it out. Periodically there is a contest where a reader can win a bag of autographed books.

Calendar of Appearances - LINK!

I update my web page with personal appearances so you can always check to see if I’m in your area. The URL is I will be attending Slam Jam Conference in Atlanta, GA; The Washington Romance Writers Retreat in Harpers Ferry, WV; the Romance Writers of America Conference in New York City; and others. See the complete list on the web site.

Order Autographed Books - LINK!

I have a limited number of autographed books which are available through my web page. I will have a large number of A FATHER’S FORTUNE in February. For details follow this link:

Up Close & Personal

"The happiest days are when babies come." This is a quote from Melanie Wilks in GONE WITH THE WIND. I can attest to it’s truth. I have a new grandchild. She’s eight months old at this writing and maintaining her title as "the best baby in the world." She does everything you wish a baby would do, including playing quietly in her walker while I write. I get cautioned regularly that this will change, but in the meanwhile I have waiting list of people ready to watch her for me if I need a sitter. I thank the Lord for those people. They have been a God-send in times when I needed to speak somewhere or attend a conference.

Permission to forward

You have permission to forward this newsletter wherever there are readers and people who love books. Should anyone wish to join my newsletter list, they can subscribe by sending a blank message to Remember no one can respond to the list. They must use my personal e-mail address,

Gotta go now and work on that next book. Keep reading romance and don’t forget to pick up a copy of A FATHER’S FORTUNE at Waldenbooks on February 11th or wherever books are sold.

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