Aussie Flag title Kiwi Flag

 Well, I figured I may as well write a little bit about my trip to Sydney, and stick a few pictures in too while I'm at it. So here's a short day-by-day rundown of the trip, with selected pictures too. You can use the menu on the left to select the different days. With the pictures and text, it won't all fit on the one page.

Day 1 - October 20

I arrived in Sydney at 5.15 had been a long day waiting. I walked out of customs and for a split second, I don't think we recognised each other. I got the biggest hug ever. After talking to Mike online for a year...I was lost for words. On the way home, for some unknown reason, the car died, so that influenced our plans for the next 10 days.

Day 2 - October 21

I was awake at 4.30 am Aussie time. Thank god I had a good book. The morning started with a walk along Bondi Beach. It was beautiful. Mike had uni in the afternoon, so I headed off to a shopping mall where I bought 2 left sandals. It was cos the shop assistant was giving me such a hard time about my non-existent accent. Mike picked me up from there cos I would have had absolutely NO idea how to get home.

Day 3 - October 22

Kel and Mike at the top of Centrepoint TowerThe best made plans fail for a reason!! It was a hot clear we decided to do the touristy thing. We took the train into the centre of the city. First stop was Centrepoint Tower. A first for us both. Sydney is BIG!! Especially when you can see it from there!!. We did a spot of shopping on the way to the Harbour Bridge.


Kel and Mike at the top of the South-East pylon of the Harbour Bridge



We walked across the bridge and then climbed the pylon. Such a beautiful view. Made me long to be out on the sea again. Lunch was a lil late. As I was still on NZ time...we had lunch at 5pm NZ equivalent. It was a lil outdoors café overlooking the wharves and we listened to a Jamaican guy play the most amazing tunes on the steel drums. It was magic. From there it was to the Opera House.




The Opera House and Harbour looking East from the Harbour Bridge

We had to be home before sundown so we headed back reasonably early. Never having had anything to do with the Jewish religion, I was thrown in at the deep end. Today was Shabbat. I hope I didn't appear tooooo ignorant. I had NO idea what was going on. After dinner we went upstairs, sat on the couch and we talked, laughed and cried.




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