Stories My In-Laws Told Me GRAPHIC

By Elizabeth Franks

Stories my In-Laws Told Me began shortly after my marriage, as my husband's parents began to fill me in on the early years in the life of the man I married. He is the "baby" of the extraordinarily talkative family, and the stories are legion.
     As I got acquainted with my husband's brother and sister, and their spouses, the collection began to grow. After my siblings began to acquire husbands and wives, it grew larger. It would be a gross disservice to keep this treasure to myself, so I present it to you, the world, in the hope that you enjoy these little tales as much as did I and the people who told them to me!

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To the brilliant and delightful men and women who enhanced my life immeasurably when they became my relatives through marriage: Johnny, Annalee, Tom, Meredith, and Anne,

And in loving memory of James, Marian and Bill.

8 February 2001

Performance Butchering

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And All The Resources Of Disney Were Placed At His Disposal

The Persistence of Pigeons

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The Thornapple, The Icehouse & The Cannon

Bottomless Bottle of Bourbon

For the Like-Minded

Stories My In-Laws Told Me GRAPHIC

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Stories My In-Laws Told Me

Home: Info, Feedback, Contact  |  Bumper Crop of 'Kraut  |  The Glass Tabletop  |  And All The Resources Of Disney Were Placed At His Disposal  |  The Persistence of Pigeons  |  Miscellaneous, in Italian  |  The Thornapple, The Icehouse & The Cannon  |  Bottomless Bottle of Bourbon  |  Performance Butchering  |  Links

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