
Welcome To BPInc

Hi... I am so glad you stopped by...I
hope there will be some things helpful
or of interest for you here

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I like to surf...just as I know lots of you
:-) During my journeys I have seen
many awesome sites....People taking
time to share with us wonderful things
they have discovered or developed...
And to these people I am very grateful
their thoughtfulness & achievements
should be acknowledged by us all..as
we learn and make use of their pages
through their kindness & generosity :-)

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See who has won the Beautiful Page &
Reflections Awards or visit the Archive

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You are welcome to apply for any of
the "Beautiful People, Inc" Awards
It is the BPInc way of saying you are
appreciated :-) If you would like to be
here among the Award winning sites,
Please email me your site's URL.
Find more details on the 'info' page.
Please keep in mind, my pages were
made to be veiwed with webtv and will
look scattered while using a computer.