Ché Franz Joseph Monro

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I'm 30 years old, a Capricorn, born on January 3. I live at Bowraville on the Mid North Coast of NSW, Australia. I have brown hair, green eyes, and a charming smile... :) I've included a couple of recent photos.

I've worked at many things in my life - University Student in Maths and Computing, Computer Programmer in APL, Support and Help Desk operator, High School Teacher. Currently I've been reassessing my life and searching for new directions.

I love to draw and 'paint' using Photoshop. I write short stories and I've tried several times to start a novel. I like music and singing and I'm thinking about joining the Anglican choir here. I'm literate, artistic, inteligent, articulate and sensitive to people, situations and emotions. My Meyer Briggs personality type is INFP. I like to voice chat and I recently bought a camera for Microsoft Netmeeting video conferencing. Drop me a line if you'd like to chat some time.

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I run a small mailinglist of my friends, called Closed Circle, where I post any writing I do, plus  messages about my thoughts, feelings, and the general doings of my life. Members of the list are free to post to it as well. You are welcome to join the list if you would like to.
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