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Hogwarts Express MUSH

My MUSHing identies:    Bamika on Tales II  *   McGregor on Express   *  Molly on Drachen


'Long about two years ago I fell heavily into MUSHing. I started out on Firan MUX ( ). Firan's a non consent MUSH with no privacy in RP permissted - not even in public rooms. As a newbie I found some of the things that happened to me there to be very frightening, while some staff decisions seemed arbitrary and unfair.

However, I did learn a lot there, and it helped shape my understanding of RP. And there are some good things there too, some of their coded systems are innovative and worth looking at, the problem I have with them is that much of the time they replace rather than augment RP, and the whole is so intimately tied up with non-consensual RP that it can't probably be separated. For example, coded, predefined families and relationships are ideas with some very positive RP advantages, but obviously the player consents to giving up some freedom by accepting these relationships. Also, since the characters are owned by the staff, they feel quite entitled to tell you if they think you're RPing your character wrongly.

But whatever you say or think about Firan, you've got to admit they are at least trying something different. That's got to be a good thing, don't it?


I moved on from there to Tales of Ta'veran, a Wheel of Time based MUSH which sadly is no more. I'd worked out that my characters and the RP I like could fit into virtually any medieval setting, so I went and looked for the most generic medieval mush I could find. Andor in Tales fit the bill perfectly.

But, after about a year there the MUSH suffered a huge spontaneous wizzen burnout and closed down. It was a real pity becasue as far as I could see NONE of the issues that caused it were anything to do with the RP that me and my Andoran friends were doing. It was all Tar Valon Aes Sedai stuff, or so it seemed.

When Tales closed, Tales II started development. It's finally opened.( ) Will it be as good as the original Tales? Only time will tell.


In the meantime I bounced around various mushes, from Shrouded Rites to Pern MUSH, even back to Firan for a bit. Finally I decided to start my own MUSH. It's called Hogwarts Express . Currently I play on Tales II, and Hogwarts.