April 11, 2003 - "A tilt of 45 degrees is so last season"

Okay, so I know that I've been very critical of the war thus far, and I've just been thinking about it lately. With all the news coming through about Iraqis who are happy that Saddam Hussein is being toppled and who are celebrating in the streets, and Rumsfield comparing this to the fall of the Berlin Wall... and the Kurds advancing and them being persecuted previously... i'm not becoming pro-war by any means, but maybe there is such a plan for this in the grand scheme of things. I get to sit in this nice apartment overlooking Toronto with the sun streaming through my window... and I'm so far removed from all of it. But what if I were someone who was being persecuted? And what if no one stepped in to help? What if I had prayed for some relief from this for my people, even if it meant my own death - what if America stepping in was the answer to my prayers? It's odd how that turns things around. I know that a lot of what we hear is going to be pure propaganda - I mean look at what the Vietcong were feeding the Vietnamese people... and look at what America feeds their soldiers. The point is that if America is going in to do what they say they're gonna do (eg. free the people and not raid their oil supplies), then is it justified if that's what the people of Iraq want?

Ahh, enough on that. Haven't got my thoughts in order yet. It's 1am, 11 April and I feel like it's an important day somehow. Hmm. I hope I'm not missing someone's birthday. Oh well, they probably forgot mine too. Hell, even I forget mine sometimes! Just saw Head of State at Paramount with Selina, Maira and Buzzy. Not a bad movie - some parts are funny but very teeny bopperish. And Now, I go to hang out with the boy. Yep, that's right... Chapter 15.5, screw you for now!

10:15pm - AND WE'RE BACK! wow. what a day. so I dragged my ass out of bed today for my first driving lesson!!! SO FUN! hahaha... I learned how to do the clutch and shift gears... hill park etc. very cool. I like my instructor - her name's Rachel and when we were driving back there was a car doing like, 20 in a 50 zone. she yells out, "Hey buddy! Accelerator's on the right!" I have become a geek. A full fledged geek! I have color coded notes and I even rule my margins in red. Ahhh, life. Always holding surprises. So I went to my friend Christiaan's place last night after the movie and him and his friend Andy had rented Jackass which... well, it was interesting. nothing more can be said, except that I don't think I've seen that many shots of fat guys' asses. And they HAD to go and capture it on film. Yep. That's high quality entertainment for you!

Ended up at the Quad party after Marianne came over and we went to eat at Sushi Inn. YUmmmmmmm... and she gave me a kit kat and a caramilk egg! I love the girl - she pampers me like mad! So quad party - pretty decent turnout! 14 kegs. Saw a lot of my beautiful people! Including Nick, who I see at every Trin function and we always say we'll get together, and he lives across the street!! And then we'll see each other at the next Trin function and plan to meet up sometime... of course this is kinda my fault cuz I have his number and he doesn't have mine. Ahhh, but summer... when I dare to venture out of my cosy apartment with two duvets and a double bed. Yes, the summer will change everything.
So. Oana was wearing this red beret which Eric made huge amounts of fun of... Nav comes over and complements her on her hat tilt - "because 45 degrees was so last season". Classic. Marianne introduced me to Eric, who I've been playing volleyball with for over a year... and then to Kathy, who lived on my floor last year... and then to Kat, who I've been introduced to about 5 times in the past two weeks. Ahh, love you hon! Don't worry, Chris introduced me and Panos who had been talking about 5 minutes before. Good times all around. Oh yes, and best moment of the night would have to be in the bathroom, when this guy whose name I won't mention, walks in to pee. He pees, we're standing there waiting for him to finish since the urinal is right next to the door... he pauses, looks over and then washes his hands. On the way out, Roopa was like "I bet he wouldn't have washed his hands if we hadn't been there." Ahh, nasty bathroom habits. Gotta love 'em.

Good news!! I got a phone call today and I saw the caller id say 'PB Bloor' which is Pottery Barn on Bloor street. It was my manager! I was thinking, "please don't fire me, please don't fire me..." and he's like, i'm not sure whether you've had a chance to check the schedule but we signed you up for a shift on sunday and if you want hours, we have some free tomorrow. Ahhh, life is good and money will come rolling in... please?? I have 9 more days in this stupid non shopping thing. Silly Parsons. If it weren't for him and his basketball logic, I'd only have 3 days left. Oh well, I gotta keep my ass planted at my desk otherwise I'll get a huge kick UP the ass from micro on the 21st. And Selina let me paint her coffee table today! It's sooooo cool. Oh man. If anyone wants me to do one for them, you gotta ask me now while they're cheap. When I'm rich and famous they'll be mass produced and unoriginal and you will only be contributing to my riches and my empire of painted tables. Meanwhile, if you get one now, you can rationalize it as helping out a poor student. Logistics, logistics...

So Melly got me four candles for Christmas - those letter ones so mine spell out SHAR. And I just lit them... and so now my name is on fire! I'm hot, baby! (get it? okay fine... bad joke)Home fragrance of the day: "vert de bamboo" by Body Shop. Song of the day: "La Rissa Dance Club Mix". Yep. Dunno who it's by or anything.

You know what's funny? I had a fight with this guy and I said that if he wanted to be friends, he had to prove it... he went on about how he definitely wanted to gain my trust back and about how he really wanted to be good friends again etc etc... he'd do things differently next time, it was all his fault he should have acted differently to the situation blah blah blah. Prove it my ass, I haven't heard from him since that conversation which was over a month ago. Ironic, eh? I'm not even upset about it - it's all become a bit of a laugh now. I stopped logging onto the internet for awhile since he was the only one I talked to on icq, and then I decided to have some fun with it. I logged on, put him on my visible list, just to see if he would ever message me. Funny how people say they're sorry for not being honest with you, and then go and lie to you again about how they're going to make it up to you... but then who would I mess with if there weren't these silly people in the world?

Joke of the day... this one's for my sis who is 'hur-ted' that I put my Dopey stuffed toy in the storage room:

Seven Dwarves
The Seven Dwarves walk up to a Nunnery and huddle out side the door to discuss something. Then Doc walks up to the door and knocks. The Mother Superior opens the door and Doc asks her if the are any 3 ft nuns in this nunnery. The mother superior looks at him funny and says, "There are no 3 ft nuns here."
Doc thanks her and goes back to the group and they huddle again making all sorts of whispering noises. Happy walks up to the door and knocks jovially. Mother Superior opens the door and Happy asks if there are any 3 ft nuns in the country. Mother Superior wonders what is going on, but says, "No, there are no 3 ft nuns in the country."
Happy thanks her and goes back to the group. They discuss and send Grumpy up to the door. The mother opens the door and Grumpy asks her if there are any 3 ft nuns on that continent, and the mother superior, frustrated, says" NO, there are no 3ft nuns on the this continent."
Grumpy growls a thank you and goes back to the group. After a few minutes, they send Sleepy. He knocks on the door and the Mother Superior opens the door, sees Sleepy standing there, yells, "NO THERE NO 3FT NUNS ON THE ENTIRE PLANET. NONE. THERE NEVER WERE AND NEVER WILL BE ANY 3FT NUNS.EVER." and slams the door.
Sleepy yawns and goes back the group. He shakes his head. The rest of the group turns to Dopey and starts chanting:

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