May 1, 2003 - "I confess.. happiness is not a fish that you can catch"

Spoke to Steve again today. Turns out he's gotta postpone his Toronto trip because of his parents concern with SARS. He also broke up with his girlfriend of 9 months and is in quite a rut right now but I know he'll be okay. Does it ever occur to you that each individual does have a 'type'? Not that all the people they go for are the same, but all the guys I go for have to be able to protect me.. some go for girls who need saving.. others go for girls who aren't as innocent as they look.. others go for guys who have cool hair. Maybe we're all just running around in circles and where does that lead us? My friend Aileen calls me up today and says, 'Hey, have you started studying for geography... yab yab yab... honey, you need to get laid." Plain and simple. I don't know what that has to do with anything but it's gonna keep me entertained for ages. And my sister's criteria for a guy, is that he has to think this joke is funny: So if you marry a Duke you become a Duchess... if you marry a Prince you become a Princess.. if you marry a Sultan, do you become a Sultana? See, if you didn't get that, then you're obviously not the one for me. And if you didn't get it, then send yourself off to the crazy farm cuz I think it's damn funny. But maybe life is about running around in circles. I was born in Toronto, moved to Melbourne, moved to Hong Kong.. and now I'm back in Toronto. And to think, I was contemplating going to UofMelbourne for a year abroad... then what - an internship in Hong Kong??

Oh yeah, another bit of irony - I think I'm going to return the Bata shoes... after all the huffing and puffing I did about how they're very lasting etc gag gag gag... they're not that easy to walk in.

So I'm pretty bummed about Steve not visiting in May but Marianne and I are going out on the town tonight! yippee! My sis goes to France, I go to Little Italy to pick up men and be hit on. Here are the websites of my people:

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