May 19, 2003 - Bangles on my arm and flowers in my hair

My room is a mess. Awhile ago, Marianne and I undertook Operation Feng Shui and so now all the energy is supposed to be harmonious, except I keep forgetting that in order to keep the energy circulating, I have to tidy up. Aiiii... I used to be the messiest person on EARTH, and my habits were forever changed after the feng shui thing. So hold on, I have to clean up.

WOw, okay. So Saturday night Mel, Nadia, Marianne, Chris, Chris' friend David and I went to Hemingways for drinks and laughs... It was David's birthday on Sunday so we came back here and stayed up until 4ish just hanging out. At 3am, Mel decides, HEY! let's make pancakes!!! So David's first meal of the day were birthday pancakes with nutella, bananas and ice cream with candles. Good times, man. Mel and Nadia had fallen asleep on the couch and Chris on my big jaw beanbag pictured below:

Anyway, David and I were left to watch late night tv which, by the way, is total trash. Anyone ever see the Fifth Wheel? The basic premise is that there are two guys, and two girls who go out and the girls have a date with each of the guys. Then they throw in the "fifth wheel" who spices things up and can be either a guy or a girl. They basically try to take the guys' attention and at the end of the show, everyone votes to see who they'd like to see again. So that night, there was this guy who looked like an alien, and also another guy who had a fetish with sniffing girls' "holes" - belly buttons, mouths, and I will let you use your imagination for the remaining two. My question is WHY would anyone go on national television and embarrass themselves like that?? OH well, whatever floats your boat I guess. It's like the Jenny Jones show - why go on if you know you're gonna be made fun of?

We headed to sleep when the sun was rising and I was so proud of Chris - he didn't snore at all!!! He said that he let me fall asleep first so that I woudln't have to prod him and kick him to tell him to stop snoring as per usual. Wow. The boy is a gem. :) He has been there completely to cheer me up and I love him for that.

"Brunched" with Justin and Melly and then bought a cake dish from williams-sonoma!!! AHHHH! So sexy...

It doubles as a punch bowl when you turn it up side down!!! Marianne made me the coolest cd which I'm listening to now. Guys, the hottest song right now is Dark Beat... Melly had it in her head all of yesterday just cuz I kept on singing it. So brunch, shopping, then Nadia's housewarming... Dharshan, Nadia, Joy, June, Alicia, Lorien, Katy, Mel, Oneika, Wendy.. good to see them again. Dharshan walked me to Hemingways again to meet up with Chris and have another drink. haha... dang, I'm lethal. Craved lime chips on the way home and then called Steve, when I was once again slightly inebriated. Oh well, the boy has to put up with it. Three nights of alcoholic happiness - but don't worry I'm not an alcoholic.

Had the best sleep, woke up, showered and I'm going to go meet the girls for some afternoon shopping, which will be followed by running later on this evening and then hanging out with Marianne. Mel left for the states this morning for a week - missing her already! It's nice to be able to walk around naked though, without her groping my ass. haha... got an email from Pat this morning which said 'Don't worry, be happy' and that just made my day. Hon, you are an angel and I can't wait to see you this summer. Remember though, you gotta have a good pickup line cuz otherwise that date ain't happening. j/k. Definitely made my day though - just need to feel good about myself again. Yeah, okay so I have a huge ego and too much pride but who doesn't? And if I do, then why not be honest about it? ;) *mwah* love you all.

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