May 28, 2003 - How to roast cashews and pull an essay out of your ass

Hmm. It's 1:24am on Wednesday morning and I just finished my essay which is due at 9am this morning. I had to analyze two retail strips in Toronto - one underground in the central core and a second that caters specifically to an ethnic group. Pretty interesting but takes too much time in site analysis. So I had to construct two land use maps, a comparison table, and a 5 page essay. I'd done the first three and it got to 11:30pm and I hadn't started the essay... instead, I'd gone running Tuesday morning, came back, hung out with Melly, went grocery shopping, went to statistics class, roasted cashew nuts for Melly and then got stuck into the essay. And, two hours later, I am done!! Wheee! Not bad eh? Anyways, the roasting the cashews.. see, I keep on buying Melly packets of Maltesers and peanuts because she has this jar that has compartments for chocolate, candy and peanuts... except that I keep on eating them. So I bought this large container of cashew nuts, except I thought they were salted and they weren't. So I told Melly that I would salt them and roast them and she just laughed and her and Jad (to whom she was talking on the phone at the time) made fun of me. Especially when I actually got the frying pan out, poured the cashews with a little bit of oil and lots of salt... yep... 5 minutes later she admitted that it wasn't a bad idea at all and that they actually tasted really good salted and cooked. Uh huh... skeptics. Bah! I have a crazy day up ahead - tutorial at 9am (luckily I have the hottest T.A.!!), class 10-noon.. work 2-8:30pm and then meet up with Marianne. I am gonna be soooo tired, but once again, at least I'm keeping busy! And Melly just came into my room cuz she had a nightmare. :( Poor baby... now I go to sleep. *mwah*

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