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My Stranger

She was my friend
Became my lover

She was my love
Became my life

She was my life
Became my drug

She was my drug
Could not live without her

She was my star
I knew none brighter

She floated like a cloud
Higher and higher
Till I could no longer see
And only occasionally remember

In a flash
She became my stranger

What a shame
I've loved no other

What a shame
That I'm powerless to stop her

What a shame
She was once my lover
Time dances
And now she's my stranger

Written by Mikel Daniel

© Copyright 5.28.98

Confessions of Tortured 1

If only I can find the shadow of doubt
If only I can see past the illusions
Then only I will die tortured
For the truth strikes it hard
Knocks me back
And cripples me

If only I can see the ghost of past
If only I can smell the wretched future
The only I will die defeated
For the inability to change the past
For not the power to alter the future

If only the devil will call my name
When the gods have given it run
Then only I will herald my name
Though there are no ears to hear it

Written by Mikel Daniel

Copyright 5.6.98

Ice Blue Eyes

Ice Blue Eyes have dawned again
The morning has come
placed night to end
But I am sad, and without soul
Tears of ice, so perfect diamonds
Fall from my eyes and shatter
so softly into a million pieces
On the hard floor of our concrete jungle
Have I sinned? Have I hurt another?
Tell me please what I've done

Ice Blues Eyes have sprout
grown and withered away
Once proud mirrors and looking glasses
All can tell now is stories of despair
Gaze upon them if you will
There is nothing left to see

As the sun sets on this hopeless day
Weak and old, succumbs to the night
Not without a struggle
as it fights for every last breath
Every last surge of life and energy
And it shines light
Till it can no more
And it is dark
And cold
And without hope...

Ice Blue Eyes have set on time
But will rise to see the sun again

Written by Mikel Daniel

© Copyright 1998

An Ocean Away

She may be an ocean away
But my love will never stray
Never questioning if I will reach land
I travel the oceans
Looking every night and day
Searching the stars for her eyes
Testing the breeze for her perfume
Negotiating the waters for her likeness

But many moons have come and gone
And the winds have grown quiet
Though my faith will never falter

Some wonder if my pursuit is just madness
Some wonder why I chase the sun
Hoping to find my dreams
Hoping today will be the one

They wonder
But only I know what heaven feels like
Because I was kissed by an angel
And now forever blind

Written by Mikel Daniel
1998 Tango Org.

© Copyright 4-26-98

My Love, My Heartache

She pains me with her smile
A love so strong, it can never be expressed
My beating heart with such urges and desires
To be near her
To know her
To feel her
To smell her

Her special touch
Her splendid kiss
Her gentle eyes melts the soul
Pushes me to the desire of love and devotion

To know I love her
To know she loves me
Gives me reason to welcome the refreshing sun
everyday anew
But to know I lost her one unholy night
Gives me reason to curse the sun
It brought me another day in a lonely hell

An enigma that haunts me daily
A city that burns me nightly
The stranger run past me
My love has left me
My spirit has died

Forgive me love, I tried
I burned myself alive

Written by Mikel Daniel

© Copyright

Sought by Champions

Like stars in a black ocean
Like rose petals in the snow
She stands above the rest
Her heart strong
Her soul pure
Her beauty uncontested

Her love sought by champions
But only one will claim her prize
Only one will she give her heart
(her sacred flower)
Only one will she love

Will I be her champion?
Will I be the holder of her heart?
The keeper of her key?

Pray the sun never set
And shun me from the light
Imprison me in the night

Pray I'm not cursed
To watch through mirrors and windows
To glimpse the love I once sought

But now she is happy
And though I am alone
My dreams will never die
Because she is always in the night sky
Shining light to give me strength
When all is dark and hopeless

So I dedicate my love to her
And pledge my soul forever
A thousand years
Marked in stone

By her petals I wait
For her flower to bloom
And grant me a chance to love her

Written by Mikel Daniel

© Copyright

My Soul

(part one)

I had dreams
Had it all planned
I knew my way
Saw it ahead
But was side tracked
And knocked off course
An uncertainty now plagues me
An anger now haunts me

My past, I remember it slow
It was good, and life was loving
How I miss it so
But they shed their skin
And now I can clearly see
I've been angered because they hate me

Your tongue may spit convincing lies
But your eyes betray you
They are portals to your soul
And I can see right through you

Did she know I loved her?
Did she see my passion for her?
Did my tears go in vain?
Or was it me who played the game?

She left my world one night
Took my sanity with her
And smashed my heart on the window
Chained my soul up out back
And with wicked smile
And evil laugh
Went strolling
Swinging the key around her finger

What a fool I was to think she loved me
What had I to offer her?
My heart?
My mind?
My soul?
My eternal devotion to pledge to her?

But now I sit here by my thoughts
And wait for the last card to be played
So I may end this unfruitful existence

And the sun rises and sets
Till my mind can no longer keep count
And the countless souls pass and not notice me
Or those who notice but not care
Just another weak soul fall victim
He never made it
He isn't worthy

(part two)

And then came another
Who noticed my pain
And saw my suffering
But she loved my eyes
Because they are mirrors to the soul
The soul held prisoner
The heart locked away

She broke the chain to my soul
Mended my shattered heart
Wiped my tears
And promised to love me eternally

But I was burned before
And now forever weary
The nightmares haunts me to oceans and valleys
The thousand years has healed nothing

She loved me still
Through thick and thin
Forgive me for I loved her too
But a wild insanity drives me now
A horrid fear controls my every action and thought

So I killed her one night
In the drop of love and passion
Took what solace we had
And smashed it for my dreams
But only blood was on my hands
And the burning in my neck

So I ran to a place unknown
Traveled the road alone
Ignored every smile on the way
Cut every had reached to help me
In hopes someday I'd reach home
A place I've never known

The night is cold
With my thoughts I watch the stars
One for every soul crossed
Every face seen but ignored
Though their words linger on
Years after they are gone

(part three)

How long can I run?
How far can I get?
Before it catches up to me once more
To wrap and engulf me?

Held prisoner by unconscious thought
Slave to heart
Servant to mind
Never free
Never will be
Until she returns to me the key
Which she swings around her finger
Her meaningless trophy
The one thing holding me to this Earth
That long gave up hope on itself

When am I ever safe?
Where can I hide?
Where will they not find me?
Where is home?

My love still waits by the fire
Slowly dying
She tends to it daily
Waiting for me as long as there is light
But my tears have bled me dry
I shall never go back
Never too late
Just never right

So I continue alone
Guided by the stars
To my ultimate destination
Wherever I may roam
Companionless and dying
Slowly my life drips
Seeping through dreams never to be lived
Never to be fulfilled

(part four)

Head up
Lights over the hill ahead
It blinds me temporarily
Wandering in the dark has made it a stranger to me
Strikes me slow at first
Increasing with intensity

Not weary
Not fearful
Curious as to it
What shall it bring?

Its warmth brings cracks of smiles
And moisture to dry eyes
Can it be that I can love again?
Has someone found interest in my eyes again?
For they are mirrors to the soul
A soul I thought I lost
But she pointed it to me
And handed me a key
Forged by love
And trust
And faith
Perfect fit for crippled me

So on again I travel
No longer alone
My love at my side
Going to whatever point in time
My heart warm
My soul free
So nothing else matters
My search is ended
I believe I have already found home

Written by Mikel

© Copyright 4.3.98

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