Break out of Frames

It's all a dream...

or is it...

August 16, 2007 UPDATE! Well I don't really do much with this site anymore but I cannot seem to remove it as it marks a important era of my life. Maybe sometime I will have time to update. I have a myspace page now that is more up to date of my life. Come check it out.

March 7, 2003 WOHOO!!! I am updating my site!! Added some new links and updated old pages! Take a look around! Will try to work more these next few days so come back soon! :o)

ALL NEW!!! Photo Gallery Pages!
Main Photos

Like to learn more about me?..About Me 2

Want to learn even more about me? Damian

I have a photo gallery! Wanta see?Photos

Ready to see some great poetry! Poetry

Webrings with Children as theme and a poem by me... Protect

Come see my Webrings and Such... Webrings

Links to Friends home pages..Friends

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Copyright © 1998-99, 2000-02 Candace A. Rakestraw. All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated--August 27, 2001
Semi-Update June 8, 2002