Changes To The Eldar In 3rd Edition

The Eldar did not have many drastic changes to it. It still has it's versatility and wide selection of units. There a few negative changes though. One that stuck out is the way GW limited the usefullness of some of the "Elites".The aspect warrior use to be the back bone of an Eldar army but I wouldn't rely on them too greatly anymore. The Banshees aren't as deadly in hand to hand and warp spiders aren't as cunning as in 2nd edition.The Elite's are expensive points wise.They have the same characteristics of a Dark Eldar Warrior but they cost double their points. I've also noticed that some of the points costs haven't been lowered overall in The Eldar army compared to other races though they have toned down The Avatar's point cost which was an obvious change for them to make. The Eldar still remain a powerful race though. Especially with the great fast attack and support sections.

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