Chaos Cult Terminators

There's a new official rule that was published in a recent white dwarf that states that Chaos Space Marine Terminators may be upgraded to Khorne Berzerkers, Plague Marines, Noise Marines or Thousand Sons at an additional cost of +20 points per model in the squad. All the models must belong to the same cult and must be represented by a suitably converted model bearing the Mark of their patron power. The upgrade has the following effect:

Khorne Berzerker Terminators: +1 Strength.

Plague Marine Terminators: +1 Toughness.

Noise Marine Terminators: +1 Attack. Also Noise Marine Terminators may replace their combi-bolter with a sonic blaster at +10 points. Up to three models in the squad may replace their combi-bolters with one of the following weapons: blastmaster at +30 points, or a doom siren at +15 points.

Thousand Son Terminators: Shooting attacks that have a Strength of 4 or less will not effect a Thousand Sons Terminator.

Fearless: In addition to the above, all Cult Terminators are Fearless and therefore will never fall back and cannot be pinned. They are assumed to automatically pass any Morale Check.