Eldar Tactics

The Eldar remain a great race for pretty much the same reasons they were so good in 2nd edition.They have a wide variety of units to choose from , a strong HQ, great fast attack,and an improved heavy support section. Unlike 2nd edition the Eldar don't have an HQ that dominates. They will do the job and are versatile. Avatars are still pretty dominant and phoenix lords add some variety. As far as elites go your best bet is a unit of wraith guard and some sorpions. Striking scorpions are hands down better then banshees this time around. They have better armour and are more efficient in hand to hand with a higher strength. Guardians and rangers give you some decent troops who aren't cannon fodder and cost little points wise. Although i'd give the edge to Rangers because the shuriken catapult isn't as powerful as it use to be.You focal point on offense should be a unit of jetbikes. They tend to eat a hole in your wallet but they can be the difference in a game.Unlike 2nd edition The Eldar sport a pretty decent support section.Warwalkers remain my favourite heavy support for the eldar. They are relatively cheap have a good armour value on the front and can sport 2 weapons which gives you alot of flexibility.You'll also never have troulbe taking out tanks . You can choose from fire prisms,support weapon batteries, or good ol dark reapers.In the future look for me to seperate this tactic section into different sections and focus more on specific areas of The Eldar.

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