Characters In 3rd Edition

GW has really stabilized the use of characters in their new edition. No longer are there the power characters with loads of weapons and wargear that tend to dominate the game ( like those blasted exarches). They have made it a rule that all weapons and wargear given to a character must be represented on the model. I think this is a great rule and it lets true gamers have some justice amid those too immature to realize that it is more important to have fun then to win. Sure winning is fun but it is more sweet if you do it tastefully. It also gives you modellers and converters out there a chance to shine. As for the characters that are still extremely powerful (such as Greater Daemons and The Avatar) they cost a heck of alot points which in my opinion are better off spent on several other things. Look at the bloodthirster, sure he's killer in close combat but he only has 4 wounds. With some good dice rolling he could be dead on your opponents first turn before you can even use him. Then you're really screwed.It's far better to take a regualr general with a retinue then a big powerful character. I also like the fact that it states in the new codexes that both players must allow for special characters to be used. In second edition I was so sick of facing Eldar and space marine players using the full 50% allotment of characters. I once faced someone with 5 exarches loaded with all sorts of wargear that weren't even on the model.Certainly you can agree GW did a fine job fixing power characters and players abusing them.