Awards that a Jersey Girl has Received

These are the awards that have been given to my web page.
Stop by and visit the web pages of their creators.

September 13, 1998

You won my award!!!
I love your background, but mostly your page itself!!!
Its very cute!!
CONGRATS, again!! I love the page!

September 13, 1998

Thank you for the opportunity to look at your website.
We really enjoyed your pages and are proud to award your site our Bronze Award.
Team Creations
Congratulations again ... and have a beautiful day!
Rita Honorable Mention

September 28, 1998

After reviewing your homepage, I am awarding you with the
Honrable Mention Award.
Thank you and keep up the good work.
Amy McMillan, Webmistress,

October 7, 1998

I was just checking out your homepage and I think it's GGGG-REAT!!!
So, I'm giving you my award for A Really Fun Homepage.

Thank you,

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                                   -----------(     )----(     )-----Corey Baker-------------------
                                                             ^-'-'-^    ^-'-'-^-----"CoreyPooh"------------------ 

This is dedicated to all my FRIENDS who inspired me to start this site.
You all know who you are especially M.S. and I want to thank you for your patience and time.
You don't know how much I appreciate it.

Come back soon

Background provided by Enchanted Backgrounds