Baltijos Jura -- Baltic Sea

white sand crested in wave-forms
spring sun -- not yet conquering wind
not silence, but head-clearing whshshsh
storm-pummelled sand dunes
stubborn like the Lithuanian heart

where have I come from?
my home where my heart is
right here on this sand dune
sculpted by patient winds
carrying away my carefully-constructed self 
bit by bit

the waves throw themselves at the shore
day in, day out; year by year
yet the shore does not yield
only stages a perennial strategic retreat

the waves dig up amber from Jurate's palace
flinging it on the beach
a constant gift
a futile gesture of romantic excess

there are glorious diamonds in the sand
traces of treasure catching the sun's eye

order out of chaos
random winds pick out repetitive forms
does God place each grain of sand?
no, we are predictable as the seventh wave
choosing our fate, rising above the surface
only to fall once more into the evil sea

my God, why have you forsaken us?
why don't you make us do the good?
force us, like the grand inquisitor
to choose, blindly, never going wrong
it's a foolish world, the worst, I think
what a waste of freedom!
light and dark; pleasure and pain
they all flow from your bounty
can we love the evil? suffer its slings and arrows,
and redeem time?

I guess you were lonely, God
you wanted someone, anyone
even if they ran away
you love playing "chase"
and we giggle when you catch us

but what a price
for you to watch us flounder

do you love the silence of heaven?
where no groans or whispers
but only ceaseless hymns,
like the waves

do you watch the time go by
waiting for its fulfilment?
are you seducing the world,
loving it into the kingdom?
maybe you dance into the long dark night
staring into the eyes of our soul
willing us to return your gaze

not always on the mountaintop
or even on the sandy shore
do you call us to launch out into the deep

Daryl Culp