Pastor's Heartbeat - ON EAGLE'S WINGS

In my sabbatical in 1993, I visited one of my mentors, Doug Sparks, in the Navigators Headquarters at Colorado Springs. Knowing my interest in eagles, Doug showed me a cross-stitch he had bought for his wife, entitled 'Eagles' by Betty Spooner. I copied the wordings of it. May they encourage you as they have encouraged me.

As storms approach. Lesser fowl head for cover, but the mighty eagle spreads its wings and with a great cry mounts upon the powerful updrafts, soaring to heights of glory. The eagle soar effortlessly, letting the wing carry him while other fowl beat with frantic wings to stay aloft. Inspite of the wind, thunder and lightning, the eagle seems to now instinctively where there is safety in the midst of the storms.

Similarly the children sees behind the storm - the winds of the Holy Spirit -and rising on wings of faith to rest in God's carrying power far above harm and destruction. He moves not by striving, but by restfully abiding. He trust in the soaring currents of Gods love... the Lord Himself bearing him up. Just as the eagles know how to catch the rising flow of life through his knowledge of the currents, the one in Christ knows his faithful God and experiences this life by trusting and waiting.

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