'The random thoughts about an unimportant person wander aimlessly through my head, as I dream that I matter to someone, that I could actually make a difference. Then, as I wake up, I realize that my hopes are just dreams, my reality falls apart, and I am in shambles.'
13-Mai-02. I thought I missed life, but I didn't. It didn't go anywhere. its still here. for my newest project check out Wa Neko and since that doesn't usually work, maybe you should actually try this.
My Thoughts - a look into my inner self, includes poetry, some old journal entries... rants, and a dream journal.
NJC Pictures - Pictures from School and Travel
Prophetic Awareness - My prophecy (i'll have a new prophecy soon.)
Substance - Quotes
Pictures & Images - Images and pictures that I wish to share
Me - pictures of me.
LinX - Some .. interesting .. sites to visit
Sporkland - dont ask im not quite sure
- A tribute to the insanity of myself and many others. A silly project, but interesting to read.
A line of Thought
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Wishes and Dreams out to the ones who I love, you know who you are and you know what you mean to me... Take care of yourselves and others... never let reality get you down... but don't hurt yourself trying to escape, everything happens for a reason... but all means challenge fate, but dont take it into your own hands to make the fate of others. For ever I will be with you, even when I am gone, bless you :)
Your last thoughts are often the most profound
You with the wisdom, who sees the plastic too, you who dwarfs me, and inspires me too. You the one who keeps me going, I love you