Poet's Parlor ...



Edna Michaelson Baker (November 1929)


The whistles blew!

The bells rang loud!

Great cheers went up

From every crowd!

The cannon boomed!

The flags looked gay!

Each heart beat high!

Armistice Day!





Jackie Walker (1999)


Nature’s pastel patchwork is a wind-blown, sand-made quilt.

An embroidery of color made from shell and stone and silt.

With laughing red-dressed monkey buds, riotous in their mirth

She decorates her landscape for celebration and rebirth.


Tall, spiked ocotillo, with surprising bright red plumes,

And chubby barrel cactus showing off their springtime blooms.

Lavender laid-back mountains, rising stately and serene;

All speak of her sweet power as she redefines the scene.


Daisies yellow, white and red, pad blooms of pink and rose.

Tiny golden buttercups, no taller than my toes!

Cat’s claw reaching out for you, bidding you to stay.

Enjoy the beauty of this scene; enjoy this desert day!




 Ellen Carpentier Stone

My heart is not lonely, my heart is not sad

Losing your love can’t be so bad

I’ll dance, I’ll sing, my head held high

For that which was lost my heart shall not sigh.


Somewhere, some day as I make my way

Through hours and days of hope ever strong,

Someone will meet me on the path of time

And offer to me a truer love song.




Ellen Carpentier Stone


The greens are gathered and hung,

Christmas tree tinsel and lights are strung.

Stockings hang all in a row;

The yule log embers flicker and glow.

The year that is old meets here

With prayers and gifts and carols of cheer.

All are waiting for the light

Of He who is born again this Holy Night.




Jacalyn A. Schwalm (September 1997)


Is it only now that we know what we've lost?

The ones she needed to love her, are paying the cost.

Her candle did burn out by an unexpected rain,

Her unspoken sadness, Does Charles now feel her pain?

Her heart wept for others, When inside she suffered shame,

The world lost a majesty, A true dove that heaven gained.

Diana will always be our princess,  Oh, how her stay was brief.

God has her in His care now For heaven's dove there's no more grief.





Edna Michaelson Baker (June 1929)


Four little kids had a great ol' time

And forgot happiness had a price,

Four little kids played the game straight through

Kinda naughty - but oh, so nice.


Four little kids had a rosy dream

Filled with laughter and dance and song.

Four little kids called the world their own

But a dream world can never last long.


And the dream of the four little kids had to end;

Now there are four young hearts devastated.

And four little kids know the meaning of "blue" --

But gee, it was great while it lasted.





 Ellen Carpentier Stone

Time moves on, my love

And shadows are growing long

We’re here to live, my love

And not alone.

Goodness and joy to the good will bring

And though we’re not as one, let’s live and let live;

And all enjoy the warm, friendly sun.





Jackie Walker (1999)


Parfait layered sunrise in glowing azure skies,
Rosy gold confection for my city-wearied eyes.
Gentle rolling hills clad in amber, gold and green.
A tapestry of color, lovely California scene.




Sue Jones


You are greater than the mighty ocean

More powerful than the crashing waves

Your love is more abundant than the air we breath

Yet you came to earth to give, to serve, to save.


With your word you created earth and heaven

With your hand formed each bird and beast and tree

With your mouth breathed out the Holy Spirit

And with your blood you paid to set me free.


Mighty Jesus, mighty Jesus

How powerful are all your words, your ways.

Mighty Jesus, mighty Jesus

Yet you came to give, to serve, to save.


Your power created stars and planets

Yet my sins brought you to your knees

To drink the cup filled with all my sin and shame

And lift that weight and set my spirit free.


You are greater than the mighty ocean

More powerful than the crashing waves

Your love is more abundant than the air we breath

Yet you came to earth to give, to serve, to save.


Mighty Jesus, mighty Jesus

How powerful are all your words, your ways.

Mighty Jesus, mighty Jesus

Yet you came to give, to serve, to save.





Jassen Wishart (October 25, 1999)


The darkness slips in like a shroud

Enveloping the awakening fears, swirling and twisting with careless abandon.

Lightning engulfs the southern sky

The leaves rustle in the gathering wind, some fly off lost in the gale.

The bus stop is deserted, burnt out and melted.

A drunk half staggers, half sways his meandering way along the road

Destination close in blurred sight.


An owl hoots from the top of the lamppost, scaring a fox from it's discarded takeaway

A lonely pair of headlights rise over the crest, lighting the owls eyes like torches.

A taxi follows the headlights, another reveller travelling home

Flapping along from the other direction, a Tescos bag whirls in the slipstream

Steadies and flaps itself along the wind, rising high,

Clouding the moon in a brief period of clarity.


A diesel engine battles the wind for sound supremacy

A howl in one ear, a distant roar in the other, headlights piercing the gloom once more

Slowly the bus pulls up, and disgorges one lady, well weighed to battle the wind

The rain starts tapping a staccato on the roof and windows, A flash overhead

Thunder rumbles very soon after, the driver looks, a question in his eyes

I flick my cigarette, turn up my collar and walk away




Jackie Walker (1991)


Frank Culver was a shootist of considerable reknown.

He buried many a brash young man who tried to gun him down.

Weary of the killing life, he put his guns away,

And with his bride he settled down in Californi-ay


For seven years Frank lived the life that was his fondest dream,

Raising cattle on a ranch beside a sparkling stream.

But Fate had different plans for Frank and dealt another hand.

He could not hide from Destiny, not even in this land.


One warm and sunny morning, Frank came in for supplies,

And at his side sweet Betsy, love light dancing in her eyes.

Although they had no children, they both were quite content,

For having found each other's love, they'd nothing to regret.


The town drunk was reposing against the hotel wall,

As weary Doc, with bag in hand, returned home from a call.

The blacksmith nodded as he passed, saluting with his tongs -

Although quite short in stature, the smithy was quite strong.


The barmaid and the gambler ran out in awful fright.

The color of their faces was a pale and ghostly white.

They pointed to the bar and cried, "Frank run! Run, save your life!

For there's a man who swears he'll make a widow of your wife!"


No sooner said than from the bar a stranger swaggered out,

And giving Frank an evil look, these words was heard to shout:

"Name your weapon, Culver, be it gun or be it knife!

I swore that you would curse the day you took my brother's life!"


"I have no quarrel with you, my friend."  Was Culver's calm reply.

"That fight was fairly fought, it was, and no one else need die."

"No more words!"  The stranger cried, "Unless they're writ with lead!

For I'll not rest `til one of us has fallen, cold and dead!"


Gathering Betsy in his arms, Frank bid her step aside,

And Betsy, clinging desperately, she pleaded and she cried,

Then slowly walked a little way to stand among her friends,

Who comforted poor Betsy as she cried and wrung her hands.


As the gunmen faced each other, the tension mounted fast,

For the man who died would surely be the one who drew down last.

Two guns belched their hatred as they split the morning air ...

Both men lay upon the street ... Death won that awful dare.





Ellen Carpentier Stone


What’s new?  Nothing that I can see.

It’s all been there for ages

Waiting to be put together

To serve you and me

A bit of this a snip of that

Recipes of every kind


This moment has come again

The time to pause and think

To feel the quiet joyous rain

Of feelings


Oh joy, oh sorrow

This is today, where is tomorrow?

Turn the page, open each door,

A new day will enter for you to explore


The world is ours

The sun, the sea, the countryside

And ours means everyone

Why must we strive to divide?

The world is one with sky and sea-

Can it be the same with you and me?


 On Love

Je vous aime

Je vous adore

Que vous le vous

Te plurs encore.


(I love you, I adore you....

What more can I say?)



On Cheer

The  sun rides high and all is great

Friends are nigh, let’s celebrate!



On Fear

The news is bad, the day is dark

Feeling low leaves its mark



On life

Go make thy garden as fair as thou canst

Thou worketh never alone

Perchance he whose plot is next to thine

Will see yours and mind his own.





Alexandra Day


It starts as an illness;

A slight agitation.

It grows to a rash

On the mind of the inflicted.

Then fed by its victim

On over-active imagination,

It develops into a Monster;

A fictional beast,

All too real to the

Involuntary host.

Consuming its world;

Haunting the mind.


Its only mission

Is mad self-destruction;

To cause torment and taste

The exquisite pain.

To kill all around it;

The mind that feeds it;


Once accomplished,

It is dead,

As is its life source,

And with it, the love






Jassen Wishart (August 20, 2000)  


Thick brown hair

Coating such a small head



Tiny fingers

Small nails perfectly rounded



Please grasp my hand

Wrap those fingers round



Tiny button nose

Please breathe in



Ruby red lips

Please cry out



Why was my special wee man

Never allowed to see the sun

Never allowed to feel his mummies kiss

Never able to sit on daddies knee



If there is a god

Why did he take my wee man?

Why did this happen

Why was he never given a chance?



He will live on forever

In the hearts of the people who loved him

His mum, dad and grandparents

No one will ever answer



In memory of Ciaron James Wishart

Born Aug 16th 2000

Died Aug 15th  2000





Ellen Carpentier Stone


The cat went for a walk one day

And met a large black purring beast

He lost one life and then hurried away.

I think that left him more at least

He worried and worried and wasted away

To a shadow of his former proud state.

He just couldn’t remember for sure, you see

If the next count was seven or eight.





Eddie M. Baker (June 1931)


My heart was broken - you didn't care,

You told me brightly to take the air.

My dreams lay in dust but you sought to kid

And said to forget you like the others did.


You laughed and played - then danced on and swore

And said, "Be a sport now and don't get sore."

My heart and my soul lay in crumbling rust,

You called me a fool - I remember that thrust.


But you played with fire and it burned and hurt,

And the bright things you wanted turned cheap as dirt,

So you've asked me to pity you and be nice;

But alas, I have taken your free advice.


I've laughed too loud and danced too long,

I've drank too many and sang a song,

I've whooped it up and I've raised the lid,

I'm forgetting you just like the others did.






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