Son T. Do Hummmm....don't know what to tell you about this person...let see...he is very good at programming and willing to help anyone who needs his help...he is also a smart, hard working, and friendly person. You might not like his first impression, but he turns out very nice when you get to know him. That's why I fall in love with him until now hihihihii....He is mine ladies, so get your hands off him ok :) ...Some of his friends said that he looks strict when they first met him...:)) And also this is warning from me to you...Anh Son gets mad very easy...When you make him mad he would not talk to you for don't ever let it happens ok :)) hihihi just kidding with you...Anyway, that's all I can say for now...will update this information later on (^ ~)
Long Nguyen Long is my uncle, can you believe it? Well, it's true though...I called him " chu' " ever since I met him at Temple...I don't really remember the story behind it. But he is not that "old" like what you think though :)) He is very good at bowling, if any lady wants a lesson, just call him...Ooooppss hold on don't call him...let me know first and I will tell him for you :) I am not his secretary, but believe me you will be safe this way. Did I scare you already? hihihihi....Nah nothing to be afraid of...Chu' Long is a funny, outgoing person and also easy to talk with. You can tell or ask him anything, but ...eheeheh don't ever ask him about his weight :) Ooopss he will kill me for this. Gotta stop here, I've already told you too much about him. You would find more information about him on his website. Don't hesitate to take a look. (^ ~)
Minh Tran Minh is my little distance bro....He found my homepage some where on the internet and asked to be my little bro...He is also one of the future programmers...I don't know whether he is smart or not, but there is one thing I do know for sure about him is that he talks alot and loves to bother other people...I've received many complaint email from girls that I don't even know..hihih..that's his bad side....To me he is a nice and behavior little bro...he does bother me sometimes though, probably because he loves his big sis :)...he is still single, nobody wants him b/c of the above...hihihi.....i am just can find more information about him on his website...he also has his pix and pix of his brothers there, if anyone is interested, feel free to stop by his virtual home...
Viet Do Viet is also one of the future programmers. He is funny, friendly, and hard working person. He luvvvv sweet stuffs, especially ice cream...I don't think anyone can eat ice cream like him. Guess he is a sweet person also huh??? Actually only his special someone can answer this question :)))) He is also good at Tennis, Ping-Pong, and Karaoke...He sings very good (co' the^? la`m ca si~ dd**.c ddo' :))) Anyway, if you want to know more about him, just click on his name on the left.
Nguyet Nguyen Nguyet is one of the mighty4 members...Can you believe that she calls me "chi."?? even though I am younger than her...hummm kho^ng bie^'t co' bi. to^?n tho. hong nu*~a :)))) It's good to have a little sis, but this one wouldn't listen to me :-(( Whatever I say it just go through one ear and out the other (co' ai bie^'t c'ach nao` tri. my little sis hong?, tie^`n thu` lao se~ ti'nh sau) :)) Anyway, guess you all want to know more about her right??? She is majoring in Business...don't ever mess up with a business woman okie...b/c she knows all the tricks to get back to ya hihihihi j/k...She is very friendly, funny, and talk a lot hihihi...She loves to eat, shopping, and talk on the phone...she will kill me for this...She is still available, anyone wanna hook up with her, just send me an email :)) Well, if you want to know more about Nguyet, just stop by her little website.
Marilyn Ho Marilyn is my twins you believe that? Nahhh not really....we both were born in the same year, but she is a couple months younger than me. She is a very smart, pretty, nice and outgoing gal...knows how to dress and all that....She just graduated from Temple University with a degree in Finance and Accounting. Well, there are still more about her, but let you discover them through her okie :)
Steven Dinh Steven is a very nice guy. He knows how to make people feel comfortable around him....You might fall in love with him when you meet very careful about that, ladies :) Even though he is getting old, but he still looks very can't never guessed his age by the look of his baby face :) He is also very very "la~ng" va` ra^'t thi'ch nghe nha.c buo^`n cu?a Ta^m -Doan :)
Thao T. Do Thao is a very creative, tall, smart, funny, and nice girl. She is also a programmer, and working for Merck now. Guys! she is still available. Any guys here with a 5'10 high ?!? :) nhanh nhanh la.i no^.p ddo*n nha....first come first serve :) She is my fiance's little sis. Guess, she doesn't really like me being her "Chi. Da^u" :) Well, la` duye^n no*. o ai ddoa'n dd**.c tr**'c pha?i kho^ng sis ? :) Hopefully, we will be good friends and sis forever :)
Hung Chung Anh Hung o*? Minnisota....anh? dd**.c Mimi go.i la` anh 9 co`n mi' be' trong group thi` go.i anh? ba(`ng ca^.u 9...go.i to*'i ba(`ng ca^.u...cha('c la` gia` qua' dda't ro^`i pha?i kho^ng ca'c ba.n :)) Anh? co' tra'i tim ra^'t la` la.nh nha.t ne^n cho^~ o*? cu~ng la.nh ui la` la.nh... No'i cho*i thui, chu*' anh Hung ra^'t la` hoa.t ba't. Mo^~i la^`n no'i chuye^.n vi' anh? la` luc' na`o cu~ng pha?i cuo`i be^? luo^n ddo' very careful when you talk to him...anh? no'i chuye^.n du`ng tu*` ra^'t la` huy hie^?^n ca^?n tha^.n nha ladies :) Noi' xa^'u anh? qua', cha('c the^' na`o cu~ng bi. cho a(n ddon` :) Mimi chu*a co' di.p ga(.p ma(.t anh? in person yet, nhu*ng dda~ co' tha^'y ma(.t qua hi`nh. Anh? gia` la('m ca'c ba.n` qua' ke'n cho.n ne^n to*'i gio*` na`y va^~n chu*a co`n ddo^.c tha^n :) Ke'n qua' coi chu*`ng bi. e^' ddo' nha anh Hung :)
Tuan Nguyen Anh Tuan o*? Richmon, VA. Mimi mo*'i ga(.p qua co' 1 la^`n, nhu*ng ca?m tha^'y cu~ng ra^'t hoa.t ba't la('m. Anh? dd**.c mi' be' o*? PA ta(.ng cho ca'i bie^.t danh ra^'t u* la` ha^'p da^~n ddo' la` "Ti'm Co^ng Tu*?" ...Kho^ng bie^t' ta.i sao la.i la` Ti'm Co^ng Tu*? nu*^u ho?i na`y dde^? khi ca'c ba.n ga(.p anh? ro^`i ho?i luo^n nha :) Anh Tuan ra^'t la` can dda?m, da'm bo? la.i con tim va` dda'nh ca^'p ddi con tim trong luc' qua PA cho*i :) Chuye^.n bi' ma^.t kho^ng dd**.c ba^.t mi'. Ca'c ba.n haY~ cho*` xem ca^u chuye^.n la~ng va` ti`nh tu*' na`y nha :)
Thu* Phan Thu* o*? Upper Darby, PA va` ddi ho.c mu't o*? tre^n New York...kho^ng bie^'t co' ca'i gi` o*? tre^n ddo' ma` quye^'n ru? Thu* qua' chu*`ng...he` na`y (2000) cu~ng o muo^'n ve^` dda^y tha(m ba.n be` nu*~a :) Thu* ra^'t la` vui ta'nh va` cu~ng thi'ch qua^.y ti' cho vui nha` vui cu*~a :) Hi`nh Thu* co`n ddang ddo*.i her Mr. Right :)
LuKhach_CA Anh LK o*? California. Ca'i xu*' dd**.c bie^.t danh la` ddi de^~ kho' ve^`. Mimi cu~ng muo^'n thu*? ddi qua ddo' 1 la^`n coi co' ddu'ng nhu* lo*`i ddo^`n hong? :) Anh LK gio*` na`y va^~n co`n ddo^.c tha^n....ta.i sao thi` Mimi cu~ng ho^ng bie^'t....nghe no'i ga'i CA ra^'t la` dde.p muh sao anh? cho.n o dd**.c co^ na`o he^'t..... :) Coi bo^. anh? cu~ng ke'n nhu* anh Hung dzi. ddo' :) Tre^n the^' gian la('m nhie^`u con ga'i sao anh cha(?ng cho.n dd**.c ai? :) Mimi l**.m dd**.c 2 ca^u tho* khi ve^` VN na(m 98...ta(.ng la.i cho anh LK dde^? la`m lu*u nie^.m nha
"Tre^n tro*`i to^i la` ngo^i sao le?
Du*o*'i tra^`n gian to^i la` ke? co^ ddo*n" :-)))

Mimi quen anh? mi' na(m qua email chu*' cu~ng chu*a dd**.c xem qua dung nhan cu?a anh LK, ne^n cu~ng kho^ng bie^'t anh LK ra sao nu*~a. Ng**`i gi` ma` bi' ma^.t qua' ddi :) Ca'c be' thu*? nha?y vo^ pha' anh LK, coi thu*? co' la`m cho tra'i tim la.nh nha.t cu?a anh? co' rung ddo^.ng ti' nao` kho^ng ??? :))) Good Luck Ladies!