Friends are hard to find so if u find a good one then don't let go of them.
My friends are very important to me on and off the internet.
Through my life I have always had good friends around me which I think I am very lucky to have. At the moment I have friends like,
Who is always up for a good laugh, we go clubbing alot togeather and always find some lad to pull.
Who I met from work and always has me on the floor in laughter when I am feeling down. Also who I am going on holiday with next year.
Who is an old school friend who now works with me part time and we chat about everything problems, men and life.
Who I met afew years ago and got into abit of trouble with at the age of 14.
These four people at the moment are my main good friends. I also have friends to add Becky, Jennie, Paul, Robert, Tabs, Jenny, Nick, Mick, John any
friends I can't remember and any work mates I have not remembered.
Thomas u know who u are and many of my close friends will know as well but the feeling is still there and always will be. U are very important to me.
There are also people from the internet that have become good friends.
Who has always been there for me to moan to and listens everytime.And gives very good advice.
Then there is all the people from Derby on my list and Sharp, Will, Sensei.
Also Rhys and Nick who were old school friends who I lost contact with. And anyone else I have forgotten who is on my ICQ list.
Just one thing always show your friends they are important to u and and never hold any secrets from them. And always treat them the way u would want to be treated with respect and honesty. You may never know when you will need them.
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