If you wanna read a bunch of stuff about me, which I have no
idea why you would, please proceed.  But don't say I didn't warn you!


Full Name:  Anya Sophia Maziak

Nicknames:  Anne Corn, Anya, AnnaBanana, Maz, MazziStar, Anyos Sophia Babushka, Maize, Mrs. Levko Durko, Corn, Mayeez, Handzia, Hannah

Date of Birth:  March 15, 1982  (Ceasar's Ides of March)

Parents:  Roman Maziak, and Julianna Shumylo

Siblings:  Petrosh (ya gotta love him...'specially cuz of the hair)

School:  The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, School of LSA

Hobbies:  living life to the fullest, ie: PLAST (but that's more a way of life than a hobby), writing poetry (Poetry Club), writing in my journal, reading (Atlas Shrugged is THE best novel), Uky Dancing with Echoes of Ukraine, singing, playing with Uba (my pesho) and Murko and Myshka (my cats), talking with Larissa (my best bud), partying with my awesome pals, being different, shocking people, laughing a lot, hanging with the Ukes , ZABAVY!, going to the Center with the hoopties to get TANKED (oh man!), fighting for my rights and against unintelligent authority, etc.

Things you collect:  EMPTY alcoholic bottles with stories behind 'em (yeah 8th grade graduation party - Larissa, Matt, and Koshiw)

Important lessons you learned:  You just gotta rock and roll all night, and party every day.  Oh, and for the more profound:  the universe is unfolding as it should be (no matter what you or I think) and the world is still a beautiful place.  And for Larissa, everything that happens is supposed to happen and whatever DOES happen, happens for a reason - got it?

Words and phrases you overuse:  ______ stuff (fill in with favorite adjective), so anyway, blatant, nerd, dork, ridiculous, nice, etc, etc.

Non-sport you excel in: partying and laughing (tho my actual laugh could use some help)

Dream car: 1967 Convertible Sting Ray in hunter green

Best memory of my life:  Perestroha Island ('nuff said), and PK97 in general

Favorite music:  classic rock (with the addition of some alternative, classical, etc.)

Group/Singers you dig:  THE DOORS (and especially JIM MORRISON), BNL, U2, Rusted Root, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Journey, Rush, OZZY, Janis Joplin, Tom Petty, Gypsy Kings

Favorite Soundtrack: Dazed and Confused

Favorite Song:  With or Without You (U2), and Beautiful People (Rusted Root)

Favorite Food: Chocoholism is a DISEASE

Favorite Movies:  Dazed and Confused, The Doors, Braveheart, Can't Hardly Wait, Empire Records, and I HATE HORROR FLICKS