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  Ok So here's the deal. I may never get Cable service. I cant seem to get myself motivated to look for a job
I'm Pissed off also because I am pretty sure someone stole my CD's. Around $400 worth of CD's. The last time I saw them was in my room on my bed. I remember knocking them off of my bed with my foot while I was going to sleep. That was two weeks ago and since then, I have cleaned my room and searched the ENTIRE house from top to bottom. I took them for granted, like we take water for granted. I mean if we have our water turned on we don't give it a second thought, but as soon as you are late on a bill and it gets shut off, Suddenly everyone is thirsty, Needs to wash clothes and use the "Facilities". [Frustrated Groan] I uploaded he site and got really pissed off because all of my pics had spaces in them and you can't have spaces in html code or it fucks the link up. But recently I figured out a way around that, Go Into the code and add %20 where ever there is a space in the image tags. Smart huh!!! 

04.13.2002  |        

  [Sigh] I think I might just give up on this site. Besides having to run around looking for a job, going out to movies n' stuff, I really don't even have time to put more than one entry on this first page. I spend most of my free time in front of my PC just staring at the screen, Watching music download.... I don't even really listen to it afterwards.... I'm starting to think there really is something wrong with me. Ok Screw that... Here's what I have to do on this site. #1) I MUST upload this site onto yahoo. I know I said I would a while ago, But after I finish this entry I'm going to stop my downloads and start uploading. #2) Re-work the anime page IE: Add more content #3) Keep Adding CD Info into the Audio Page. Also I PROMISE I will Upload some songs as soon as I get a job and buy a cable modem. #4) Add Something To the movies Page. Anything!!  #5) Put some of my Favorite pics on the Pictures Page. #6) Finish Links ... Simple enough. #7) Add Some Kind Of Advice page. I give good advice.   Ehh What the hell. I don't even thing people will visit this site But I Shall Finish What I start. Off I go to Upload this site !!! ^_^

|   03.10.2002  |       

  Like I said, It takes time to make a site, Especially if your lazy like me. I put some more artists on the Audio page and I made a links page, I know what your thinking, A crappy link page with his friends sites on it. Well your wrong, I put useful sites on there as well as some fun stuff. Laa De Deee....I might upload this site later on tomorrow if I remember to put a sticky note on my forehead before I go to sleep. I believe I'll go play Counter-Strike now. 

03.04.2002  |      

 This site is taking way longer to develop than I expected. It Would go a lot faster if I just sat down and worked on it for a change, Instead of doing a few things before I go to bed (Like Now For Instance) This seems weird since I haven't even uploaded this site onto it's intended server. I guess I'm typing to read my words, Hey it beats videogames. 

02.13.2002  |      

  Ok I decided that I would Try to update this site fairly often, So here it goes, My First Update, TA-DA!  I also decided to put a list of all the MP3's & CD's that I own on this site, That list can be found here. It Depends on when I get a cable modem but I may put links directly to the songs so that people can D/L from my  computer.

 |  02.09.2002  |      

  Heh, So I finally got around to remaking my website. Been awhile hasn't it? Like two years I think. Oh  well, Take a look around, Tell Me What you think here.       

    |  02.07.2002  |